School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School 2233 Village Square Parkway AUGUST 28, 2006 - 3:00 p.m.
August 28, 2006 Special Meeting
Agenda Item #4

Item Title
Initiatives for establishing the Level Of Service (L.O.S.) (Revised)


The initiatives identified within the attachment only include redistricting commensurate to planned new schools.  The attached document creates the tiered L.O.S. and if the L.O.S. levels need to be improved, additional initiatives must be defined within the structure of this document.  Several options have been provided for Board consideration which would improve the resulting L.O.S. defined by the attached document.  Those options include additional redistricting, additional new schools, additional funding, additional initiatives to decrease enrollment at over-capacity schools, additional initiatives to increase enrollment at under-capacity schools as well as several other options that are listed within the attached document and have been discussed previously.

Please Note:  The attachment identifies delaying Elementary School 'R' to open August, 2009 vs. August, 2008.  This is a change to the document you received on August 17, 2006.  As the Educational Facilities Plan was being developed, which will be provided on August 28, 2006, this school could not be maintained on the planned schedule.  Cost of construction and funding availability requires this school be to delayed one year.

Recommended Action
Approve the considerations for balancing student enrollment associated with planned new schools from 2006/07 through 2010/11 and/or initiate other considerations to improve the L.O.S.

Financial Impact

Submitted By
Michael J. Elliott, Assistant Superintendent of Support Services

Attachment:  EnrollmentProjections2012-13Alternate.xls
Attachment:  School LOS Delay R.xls
Attachment:  Level of ServiceAug28.pdf