School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School 2233 Village Square Parkway Hearings for Special Actions Regarding Students - 4:30 p.m. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M.
June 18, 2009 Regular Meeting
Agenda Item #23

Item Title
C-22 2009-2010 Title X Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program Grant

SBCC must identify and serve all homeless school-age children by attempting to eliminate barriers to receiving a free and appropriate public education.   The grant funding supplements school district funding to ensure that homeless children and youths have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education as provided to other children and youth in Clay County.

Recommended Action
Approve the 2009-2010 Title X Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program Grant as submitted.

Financial Impact

SBCC is requesting $70,000.00 for the 2009-2010 school year based on 2008-2009 grant funding.  However, notice to the district Superintendent will reflect the actual allocation for 2008-2009.

Submitted By
Donna Wethington, Supervisor, Student Services

Attachment:  Homeless Grant 09-10.pdf