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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
April 1, 2021 - Regular School Board Meeting
D3 - Public Hearing and Vote to Approve as Advertised the Adoption of 2020-21 English Language Arts Materials

The Pre-selection adoption committee was composed of teacher representatives from each school and subject area.  These certified Clay County District Schools teachers vetted materials for the considered courses using a comprehensive rubric that aligned curricula to materials.  The committee met on January 4, 2021 and thoroughly reviewed available curriculum options from the state adoption list. The teams worked to apply rigorous alignment criteria using evaluation tools provided by the Instructional Resources Department and District Curriculum Specialists to each selection to determine the top products that would best meet the needs of the students of Clay County. 

In order to finalize the vetting process and produce a final selection, all English Language Arts teachers were asked to provide feedback about the top choices and the ability of each to meet the needs of their students. In an effort to be as transparent as possible, the surveys provided detailed information about each product being considered.  Feedback was due to the Instructional Resources Office by January 31st to allow the District Committee to meet to review feedback and recommendations. 

The products selected for each subject are posted on the Instructional Resources page of the District’s website. The public is encouraged to view the products and express their individual comments and/or concerns about each one. 

Florida State Statute 1006.283 requires an open, noticed school board hearing to receive public comment on the recommended instructional materials. The publication of notice allows CCDS to meet this requirement.

Gap Analysis

Instructional Materials for this subject were adopted during the 2015 Adoption year.

Previous Outcomes

Statute requires a district to adopt within two years of the State’s adoption year.  F.S. 1006.283 Requires a public hearing to be posted in a publication 28 calendar days prior to the event in order for the public to be made fully aware of the District’s intentions.

Expected Outcomes

These materials would provide the teachers of Clay County current, quality, and aligned materials to enable them the ability to deliver and plan engaging lessons, and provide students with the resources to maximize learning and increase student outcomes.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal: 1: Develop Great Educators and Leaders

Strategy: 1.1: Develop a high quality and aligned instructional system.


That the Clay County School Board approve the adoption of the recommended English Language Arts materials.

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904
Financial Impact
Estimated Cost $4,500,000.00 in Instructional Materials Funding
Review Comments
2020-21 ELA Adoption District Committee Recommendations - Core ELA Materials.pdf
6-12 Preselection Committee Reviews.pdf
K-5 Preselection Committee Reviews.pdf