Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
District Multi-Purpose Center, Green Cove Springs (Corner of Walnut Street and Gratio Place)
April 23, 2019 - School Board Workshop
Date: Apr 23 2019 (10:00 a.m.)
Invocation  (Mrs. Bullock)
Call to Order  (10:05 a.m. - Present: Carol Studdard, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis. Janice Kerekes, District 1, was out of town and not present;)
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on May 2, 2019
DRAFT May 2 Agenda - Board Review 04.23.19.pdf


  • Clay Academic Team
  • Drug-Free Schools Calendar Winners
  • Outstanding School Volunteers


  • C1 Minutes of previous meetings - no discussion;
  • C2 Personnel Consent Agenda - John Ward's start date was changed to May 1; Superintendent commented on the supplement for Title I Lead; Mr. Broskie explained some formatting issues with BusinessPlus;
  • C3 Purchase of K12 Florida LLC Virtual Instruction Curriculum - we will discontinue Pearson because teachers had to rebuild core curriculum; transition to a new platform that will be a better product for teachers; 
  • C4 Purchase of Edgenuity Virtual Instruction Curriculum - currently using Florida Virtual School curriculum; Edgenuity allows for customizing curriculum; we will pilot April through summer;
  • C5 K12 Student Travel - state/national competitions provide good exposure for our students outside of our county; 
  • C6 Proclamation 19-14, National School Nurse Week - to celebrate the work of school nurses; Kris Riebe will be recognized at the state level in an upcoming state conference; 
  • C7 2017-2018 Operational, Financial and Single Audit - on the operational side the district received some minor criticisms with the building of DOE; Superintendent made comments about the unfairness for Pre-K teachers who were excluded from Best and Brightest awards; the district's financial audit was solid;
  • C8 20172018 Charter School Audits - audits for three charter schools; financial audits look stable;
  • C9 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2018-2018 - training overlap for Roni Campbell who will be retiring;
  • C10 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2019-2020 - reviewed positions and justification for additions;
  • C11 Budget Amendment Report for March 2019 - no discussion;
  • C12 Financial Reports for March 2019 - no discussion;
  • C13 Internal Account Audits for FY 18 - reduced number of findings over last year;
  • C14 Deletion of Certain Items Report for April 2019 - deletions total $52,000; surplus items for sale;
  • C15 Bid/RFP to be Awarded - for the relocation of portables and independent auditing services;
  • C16 Change Order #6 (DP) for FIHS AICE Testing Facility - $16K savings for direct purchase of project materials and/or equipment;
  • C17 Final Completion of KHS Renovation of Science Labs - complete renovation project;
  • C18 Change Order #1 for KHS Renovation of Science Labs - $1500 liquidated damages for 3 days past completion date;
  • C19 Pre-Qualification of Contractors - routine;
  • C20 Substantial Completion of LES Re-Roof Bldg 1 - no discussion;
  • C21 Change Order #1 for LES Re-Roof Bldg 1 - $5,900 more for additional damage found in decking;
  • C22 Restated Concurrency Proportionate Share Mitigation Development Agreement for Governor's Park; DRI - Operations staff met with the developer reps and potential new owners of Governor's Park; the restated PSM delineated non-substantive changes;


  • D1 HR Special Actions - no discussion;
  • D2 Public Hearing, ESE Special Policies and Procedures Manual - to hold the public hearing; PH advertisement approved at April board meeting;


  • Superintendent Davis introduced a new item he would like to add to the May agenda - the purchase of Mutualink to enhance safety and security within our schools.   The Mutualink system is comprised of a panic button app for teachers and staff for use in emergencies that links directly to radio and video gateways to improve communication between schools and first responders.  We will piggyback off Seminole County.
  • Discussion of awards received at 2019 Celebrate Clay Awards; 
  • Attorney Evaluation Instrument distributed; Board responses due by May 15th; 
  • Discussion of 2020-2021 Reading Endorsement requirement for teachers;  
  • Distribution of TRIM Calendar;
Questions from the Audience
Superintendent Comments
School Board Comments
Adjournment  (10:53 a.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair