School Board of Clay County
District Multi-Purpose Center, Corner of Walnut St. and Gratio Pl., Green Cove Springs, FL |
April 27, 2021 - School Board Workshop
Date: Apr 27 2021
(9:00 a.m.)
(Mary Bolla)
Call to Order
(Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Beth Clark, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David Broskie)
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on May 6, 2021
Minutes: Recognitions and Awards:
- Recognition of State Championship Athletes - no discussion;
- Recognition of First Place Overall Winners from Math Field Day - no discussion;
Consent Agenda:
- C1 Minutes of Workshop on March 8, 2021; Special meeting on March 11, 2021, Workshop on March 23, 2021; Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on April 1, 2021 - no discussion;
- C2 Revision to Start Date for Student Calendar 2022-2023 per Florida Statute 1001.42 - no discussion;
- C3 School Board Member Out-of-County Travel Expenses Estimated to Attend FSBA/FADSS Annual Summer Conference - no discussion;
- C4 Personnel Consent Agenda - Mrs. Kerekes requested clarification of an employee listed in multiple sections of the personnel consent agenda attachment;
- C5 K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel - no discussion;
- C6 2021-22 Professional Learning Catalog (Master In-Service Plan) - no discussion;
- C7 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2020-2021 - no discussion;
- C8 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2021-2022 - no discussion;
- C9 Clay County District School Board Operational, Financial and Single Audit for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year - no discussion;
- C10 Charter School Audits for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year - no discussion;
- C11 Clay Education Foundation Audit for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year - no discussion;
- C12 Monthly Financial Reports for March, 2021 - no discussion;
- C13 Budget Amendment for Month Ending March 31, 2021 - no discussion;
- C14 Deletion of Certain Items Report - April, 2021 - routine surplus of items;
- C15 BID Renewal - Mrs. Kerekes suggested exploring the option of bringing this service back in-house due to complaints received re substandard/inadequate service; Mr. Broskie discussed the difficulty of retaining custodians and currently unfilled positions; Mr. Fossa advised this company has been flexible in their availability and responded to issues brought forward in the past, suggesting parameters and expectations be clearly established and communicated to the vendor and affected departments be surveyed for any issues needing to be addressed;
- C16 BID to be Awarded - no discussion;
- C17 Change Order #1 for Ridgeview Elementary School Parking Lot Lighting Replacement - no discussion;
- C18 Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II, & III) Plans and Specifications for S. Bryan Jennings Elementary School Roof Repair/Replacement (Buildings 1, 2, &3) - no discussion;
- C19 Change Order for #1 for Oakleaf Junior High School Security Lighting Repair/Replacement - no discussion;
- C20 Pre-Qualification of Contractors - no discussion;
Discussion Agenda:
- D1 Approve the Nominations for the Citizen Oversight Committee - at Mrs. Kerekes suggestion, it was agreed that this item title be clarified, changing "nominations" to "appointments"; board members will contact their applicants and submit their two candidates' and alternate's names for creation of an agenda attachment identifying the proposed appointed members;
- D2 Human Resources Special Action A - no discussion;
- D3 Approve uniform pricing and uniform definition for "summer enrichment programs" offered by "outside" organizations - item proposes pricing and defines "enrichment" to provide fair consideration for expenses incurred by CCDS when organizations utilize CCDS facilities for summer enrichment programs; contracts for interested parties would be created based on approved pricing and with the inclusion of protections should facilities, supplies, or equipment be damaged; discussion included prior issues re use of facilities and available recourse should damage be sustained;
Discussion of Requested Agenda Item:
- A request from Mrs. Bullock was previously made to place an item on the agenda entitled "Recognition of Keystone Heights City Council Resolution 2021-03". Mr. Broskie brought this request forward for open discussion. Mrs. Bullock advised she requested this item in order for Keystone Heights Mayor Karen Lake to present Resolution 2021-03 and discuss the growing concern of the Keystone Heights City Council re the Keystone area schools. Discussion included past practice, establishing precedent, and school board policy provision for an item of this nature. Mr. Broskie proposed placing Mayor Lake under "public comment", recognizing her status as a public official for Keystone, and allowing questions from the board to Mayor Lake following her comments. Mrs. Bolla advised Mayor Lake could be the first public speaker.
2. Transportation Presentation - GPS (Information Only)
Synovia GPS Contract Renewal Presentation.pdf
Minutes: Derald Sweatt, Director of Transportation, shared an update (attached) re the Synovia GPS system currently being utilized for bus transportation of students. The utilization of GPS has provided increased route efficiency, safety to drivers and students, and pay sheet efficiency. Future enhancements will provide for an overall improved reporting system and efficient navigation. Mr. Sweat also discussed the coaching and communication necessary to best support employees.
Questions from the Audience
Superintendent Comments
3. Superintendent Comments
Minutes: Superintendent Broskie advised the board that an additional agenda item will be added to implement an expansion of the summer programs to expand support to an increased number of students and address academic regression.
Mr. Broskie distributed a document re the Truth in Millage (TRIM) legal deadlines that delineate upcoming meetings relative to the adoption of the 2021 - 2022 budget.
School Board Comments
4. School Board Member Comments
Minutes: Board member comments included appreciation to Marian Hazlip, Transportation Dispatcher, for her outstanding service, the architectural feasibility study being completed re Keystone facilities, proposed Bright Futures changes, a successful Math Field Day, and the importance of being able to obtain information re community growth impacting our schools as early as possible.
(10:38 a.m.)
Superintendent of Schools |
Board Chair |