Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
April 5, 2018 - Regular School Board Meeting
C25 - Request adoption of resolution granting permission for staff to remove and dispose of relocatable buildings at Oakleaf Junior High (OLJ) and Plantation Oaks Elementary (POE) Schools.

The construction of Discovery Oaks Elementary School (DOE) is expected to be completed by the Fall of 2018.  DOE’s addition of classroom space and its K-6 designation will relieve POE of nearly half its student population and OLJ of its entire 6th grade.  The relocatable classroom buildings on the campus of OLJ (16) and POE (25) will be surplus and no longer usable for educational purposes.

The Operations Division concurs and also determines it is not cost effective to maintain, repair or store the buildings listed on Exhibit “A” and requests resolution approval to raze and/or remove relocatable buildings from both campuses.

Gap Analysis

No action, would result in our failure to meet the requirements of FDOE’s spot survey approval; recommending the construction of “Elementary School Y”. Also excess relocatable classroom space will require maintenance, storage and unplanned work to place buildings in a layup status.

Previous Outcomes

The Board has approved previous resolutions requesting removal and disposal of unusable relocatable buildings deemed no longer useable for educational purposes or beyond economical repair:

Fleming Island Elementary School relocatable disposal January 2018

Grove Park Elementary School relocatable disposal November 2013

Expected Outcomes

Based on previous decisions, expectations are: The Board will adopt the resolution allowing staff to move forward with the removal and disposal of all exhibit “A” identified relocatable buildings.

Strategic Plan Goal

Dispose of exhibit “A” identified relocatable buildings at OLJ and POE, though public, auction, private sale or donation.


Approve resolution 18-14 to grant authority to remove and dispose of relocatable buildings as indicated on Exhibit “A” located at OLJ and POE.

Dr. Michael Kemp, Assistant Superintendent, Operations (904) 336-6824
Financial Impact
Cost to remove and/or raze buildings and remove debris from OLJ and POE, Estimate: Not greater than $295,000 (Every effort will be made to dispose of relocatable buildings through private sale, public auction or benevolent donation.)
Review Comments
Resolution and Removal Exhibit A.pdf