Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
April 5, 2018 - Regular School Board Meeting
C17 - 2016-2017 Clay County District School Board Financial Audit

Pursuant to 1010.30 F.S., school districts are required to have an annual financial, operational and single audit of the district school board.  For the 2016-2017, the school district engaged the independent auditing firm Purvis Gray to conduct the annual finanical and single audit.  At the conclusion of the site review, there were a total of four findings.  Two of the findings were repeat findings.  Corrective actions to address the findings are included in the report. 

The audit is a public document and will be made available on the District's website located at  The audit becomes part of the public record for the financial records of the School Board, which are maintained under the direction of the Superintendent, with the approval of the Board. 

Gap Analysis

The objectives of the operational audit are to evaluate management’s performance in establishing and maintaining internal controls, including controls designed to prevent and detect fraud, waste and abuse. The objectives also include the examination of internal controls in the categories of compliance, economic and efficient operations, reliability of records and reports, and the safeguarding of assets.  

Summary of Findings
Finding #  Recommendation
2017-1 Grant Allowed Cost District Management to strengthen procedures surrounding capturing budgeted grant expenses.
2017-2- Reporting of Leave Time   (Repeat Finding) District Management to review our process related to reporting of leave taken by employees. 
2017-3- Construction and Retainage Payable District Management to review its accounts payable cutoff procedures to include an annual review of construction contracts prior to end of fiscal year. 
2017-4-Information Technology (IT) Controls (Repeat Finding)

Disaster Recovery Plan: District Management  to update the plan to include testing of plan.

IT Policies & Procedures: District Management to document policies and procedures for key IT control areas.

Incident Response Plan: District Management to complete and approve the plan.  Provide tranining on how incidents are handled and resolved.

User Access: District Management should conduct periodic review of user access privileges to ensure appropriate separation of duties across the district.  


Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

Acceptance of the Independent Audit Report, as presented. 

Strategic Plan Goal

Ensure effective, equitable and efficient use of resources.


Acceptance of the Independent Audit Report, as presented

Dr. Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent Business Affairs
Financial Impact
Review Comments
2017 Final Notes District School Board of Clay County.pdf