Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
April 6, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting
C13 - Proclamation #17-19 establishing April as School Library Month

School libraries are transforming lives every day through services, expertise and resources. They are no longer just a place of quiet study, but are also creative and engaging learning centers where patrons can collaborate using new technologies, learn how to use a 3D printer or even record their own music. By providing such resources as e-books and technology classes, materials for English-language learners, or a safe haven in times of crisis, school libraries and school library media specialists transform their communities.  School library media specialists assist patrons in using increasingly complex technology and sorting through the potentially overwhelming mass of information bombarding today’s digital society. This is especially crucial when access to reliable and trustworthy data is more important than ever. During April, we celebrate our school libraries and the world of possibilities they open each and every day.


Gap Analysis
This proclamation will increase awareness and promote greater support for school library media programs in Clay County Public Schools.
Previous Outcomes
In previous years, our district has participated in School Library Month by providing presentations at School Board meetings, in our schools and in our community bringing awareness of the resources provided in the library media program at each school. The awareness has resulted in increased usage and better understanding of personalized learning environments and equitable access to resources.
Expected Outcomes
Schools will celebrate School Library Month by engaging in activities that provide equitable access to information resources and support the district's vision to prepare life-long learners for success in a global world.
Strategic Plan Goal

Approve the Proclamation

Dr. Terri Stahlman, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Sandra Rocquin, Supervisor of Instructional Resources
Financial Impact
Review Comments
17-19 School Library Week.pdf