Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
April 6, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting
C8 - Tier 3 Reading Intervention Materials Request

Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) by Heinemann Press is a research-based scripted guided reading intervention that has shown to improve reading skills twice as fast as other interventions.  This instructional intervention is a teacher-directed, small group tool that differentiates reading instruction by reading levels for underperforming students.  LLI is a comprehensive intervention that addresses the five pillars of effective reading instruction, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.  The treatment takes 30 minutes, five days a week in grades K-2 and 45 minutes, five days a week in grades 3-12.  Materials include teacher manuals, and lesson plans, student lessons, prompting guides, and leveled student readers and take home readers for every lesson.

Gap Analysis
Currently our schools do not have a systematic intervention curriculum for Tier 3 Reading to address the needs of our bottom quartile readers. This supplementary Tier 3 reading curriculum will provide a comprehensive intervention system for readers performing below grade level expectations with the goal of helping readers meet grade level expectations and state proficiency requirements.
Previous Outcomes
Findings from a five year implementation period in 15 states resulted in the following, in Atlantic City 3% of their students were reading on grade level (grade K-2), post-LLI 45% of these students (including ELL students) were reading on grade level. The Heinemann's LLI Data Collection Project (2009-2010) included 824 grade K-5 students that made an average of seven and a half months of progress in a little more than four and a half months. The 2010-2011 study of 2,600 students showed an average time equivalent gain in reading level of about 9 months after 4.5 months of LLI instruction. Source: Heinemann 2016
Expected Outcomes
70% of students in grades K-5 targeted for Tier 3 reading intervention will meet grade level reading expectations, as measured by the Diagnostic Reading Assessment (DRA), in one school year when used with fidelity of implementation.
Strategic Plan Goal
(Clay County School District 2012-2017 Strategic Plan) * All students can learn and that is the responsibility of the school district and all stakeholders to ensure that each child meets and/or exceeds his/her potential. * Schools will decrease their percentage of non-proficient students in each applicable sub-group.
  • That the Clay County School Board approve the purchase of Leveled Literacy Intervention by Heinemann Press for 18 non-Title elementary schools to be used as a Tier 3 reading intervention for grades K-5 as submitted.
Dr. Terri Stahlman, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction @ 904-529-2614
Financial Impact
$205,491.60 (Paid from SAI Project 1627 at each school)
Review Comments

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