Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
April 6, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting
D1 - Consider moving the July 6, 2017 Regular meeting to June 29, 2017, due to the July 4th holiday (Mrs. Kerekes)

The current meeting is scheduled during a holiday week.  Consider rescheduling the Regular July meeting due to the July 4th holiday which falls on Tuesday, two days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting.  The school district is closed on Fridays on the summer schedule, making this a 3-day work week for the school district.  Typically, July 4th is a big summer holiday for families.

Gap Analysis

With the Tuesday holiday, a Thursday school board meeting may not be well attended by the general public. A different date would make the meeting more convenient for the general public, as well as district staff. The district is closed on Fridays due to summer schedule.

Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

Increase convenience for general public and staff to attend.

Strategic Plan Goal



Superintendent recommends approval


Janice Kerekes, School Board Chair
Financial Impact
Review Comments

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