School Board of Clay County
District Office Accounts Payable Conference Room, 814 Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs |
August 29, 2017 - School Board Workshop
Date: Aug 29 2017
(9:00 a.m.)
Call to Order
(Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Betsy Condon, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis. )
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on September 7, 2017
- 1-10 Budget Items - no discussion
- C1 Minutes of previous meetings - no discussion
- C2 Personnel Consent Agenda - FLYCA teachers will fall under our umbrella;
- C3 Best and Brightest Review - $800/$1200/$6000 for teachers who qualify; discussion regarding misconceptions about how teachers are evaluated; must validate data first;
- C4 Art Enrichment Contract - one-year contract;
- C5 Addendum to Achieve 3000 Contract - for addition of AMI, CVA, and PACE - current AMI/PACE contract requires we provide services;
- C6 CTE Student Travel - all state competitions for the year;
- C7 USI STEM Curriculum Agreement - Embry Riddle; allows for students to receive industry certs;
- C8 Interpreters Services Contract w/Alonzo - sign language for 14 students;
- C9 Interpreters Services Contract w/Interpretek - no students at this time; backup in case we need interpreters;
- C10 Parent Liaison Services Contract - student advocate between parents and district; required by IDEA;
- C11 Transition Coach Contract - part time to assist students with disabilities with college transition;
- C12 Audiological Therapy Services Contract - through teacher referrals and existing assistance for students already identified;
- C13 Episcopal Children's Services Head Start MOU - Head Start for 3-4 year olds;
- C14 Keystone Behavioral Pediatrics Contract - paid by Medicaid; Mrs. Condon expressed concern over recent controversy in the news; Mrs. Roth will look into this;
- C15 Resolutions in Special Education - helps with resolution of disputes in carrying out legal requirements;
- C16 Clay Behavioral Health Agreement - provides mental health therapeutic services identified in IEP;
- C17 Mainspring Contract - for one Keystone student;
- C18 SEDNET and ESE Support Services contract - provides emotional/behavioral health services;
- C19 IDEA Entitlement Grant - ensures necessary services to student with disabilities;
- C20 Out of County Student Travel - student field trips;
- C21 UNF Dual Enrollment - for online courses; 3-year agreement;
- C22 Interagency with Dept of Military Affairs - alternative educational environment - Florida Youth Challenge Academy; our investment is FTE dollars;
- C23 TNTP Leadership Development - professional development for principals;
- C24 UNF MOU for Sprint - during pre-internships; engages education program students with exemplary teachers;
- C25 MOU with Health Dept - provides technical assistance to nursing staff;
- C26 Proposed Allocation Changes - Superintendent meeting with principals to determine additional teacher needs;
- C27 Warrants and Vouchers - no discussion
- C28 Budget Amendments for June - no discussion;
- C29 Supt's Annual Financial Report FYE 6/30/2017 - no discussion;
- C30 - C33 Routine property reports - no discussion;
- C34 Pre-qualification of Contractors - no discussion;
- C35 Substantial Completion of WJH HVAC Repl - general discussion about the age of HVAC units and continuous major repairs county wide;
- C36 Substantial Completion of DIS Fire Alarm Repl - new system fried due to multiple lightning strikes; contractor will cover repair costs;
- C37 Substantial Completion of CHS Culinary Arts - no discussion;
- C38 Substantial Completion of OPJ Parking Lot Lighting - no discussion;
- C39 Additive Change Order #2 DIS Firm Alarm - no discussion;
- C40 Additive Change Order #! CW Front Entrance Security - RHS walls did not meet code;
- C41 Additive Change Order #2 WJH HVAC Repl - moving units from ceiling to the floor for easier access;
- D1 Proclamation #18-07 September as Attendance Awareness Month - campaign to raise awareness and importance of student attendance in school;
- D2 Authorization to join statewide Litigation re HB 7069 - for continuation of last month's discussion;
- D3 HR Special Action A - no discussion;
- D4 HR Special Action B - item to be deleted;
- D5 Public Hearing for Instructional Resources Manual - no discussion
Note for the record - Deleted or moved items may result in the renumbering of Consent and Discussion agenda item numbers prior to final publication of the Regular meeting agenda.
Closing Comments/Questions:
- New agenda item to be added for testing calendar;
- Superintendent will look into fundraising and schools taking a percentage off the top;
- Attorney David D'Agata requested a litigation shade meeting pursuant to F.S. 286.011(8) to discuss Drees Case No. 10-2015-CA-1154. The consensus was to hold the meeting on September 7, 2017, at 4:00 p.m. The meeting should last no more than 30 minutes.
- There is one student case to be heard at 3:30 p.m.
- There will be an Executive Session following the Regular Meeting to discuss collective bargaining issues.
- Consensus of the Board for Mrs. Kerekes to serve as the Board's Alternate on the 2017 Value Adjustment Board.
- The Board requested printed telephone directories with the new phone numbers and staff changes.
- Discussion of the Attorney Evaluation instrument. Board members should email suggestions on the proposed evaluation form to Mr. Davis; Tabulations to be sent to Mrs. Bush.
Questions from the Audience
Superintendent Comments
School Board Comments
(10:55 a.m.)
Superintendent of Schools |
School Board Chairman |