Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
August 3, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting
C4 - Contract with Bricks 4 Kidz

Bricks 4 Kidz is an after-school enrichment program hosted in elementary schools to provide an introduction to science, technology, engineering, and math concepts to elementary age children by building machines, vehicles, buildings, and other structures using LEGO bricks.

Gap Analysis

Currently, over half of our elementary schools host this program.  By renewing the contract schools have the option of continuing this program next year.

Previous Outcomes

1.  During the 2016-17 school year, 15 elementary schools hosted Bricks 4 Kidz.  

2.  1150 students participated in STEM related activities developing their problem solving and analytical skills.

3.  Bricks 4 Kidz provided schools with $8917 o f their fees to cover building usage fees during the 16/17 school year.  During the 15/16 school year, $8557 of their fees were provided.  

Expected Outcomes

1. Increase the number of schools offering the after-school enrichment program for students.

2.  Collaborate with our four 21st Century Learning Grant schools to deepen the STEM focused work.

3.  Elementary students will develop problem-solving and analytical skills through STEM concepts using Legos.

4.  Introduce new lesson plans and model builds, i.e., Engineering Adventures and World of Science.  

Strategic Plan Goal

Approve the renewal of the Bricks 4 Kidz contract.

Dr. Theresa Stahlman, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction,, 904-529-2614
Financial Impact
None. Parents are invoiced directly by Bricks 4 Kidz.
Review Comments
Bricks 4 Kidz contract.pdf