Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
District Multi-Purpose Center, Green Cove Springs (Corner of Walnut St. & Gratio)
December 1, 2020 - School Board Workshop
Date: Dec 01 2020 (9:00 a.m.)
Invocation  (Ashley Gilhousen)
Call to Order  (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Beth Clark, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David Broskie)
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on December 10, 2020
December-10-2020-regular-school-board-meeting_agenda_packet (3).pdf

Recognitions and Awards

  • Recognition of 2020-2021 School Related Employee of the Year and Teacher of the Year Semi-finalists
  • Consortium of Florida Education Foundations Special Award

Consent Agenda

  • C1 Minutes of Workshop on October 27, 2020; Student Discipline Hearings and Regular Meeting on November 5, 2020; Organization Meeting on November 17, 2020 - no discussion;
  • C2 Revised 2021-2022 Student Calendar and Proposed Student 2022-2023 Calendar - corrections made to address typographical errors;
  • C3 Employee Work Calendar for 2021-2022 - no discussion;
  • C4 Salary Schedule - Section IV, Miscellaneous (Substitutes - Minimum Wage Increase) - no discussion;
  • C5 Personnel Consent Agenda - includes job description revisions for Operations department; Mrs. Bullock wants to ensure instructional personnel filling supplemental billets will not interfere with employees' contracted hours;
  • C6 K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel - no discussion;
  • C7 Revision to Daily Hours for Teachers and Students for School Year 2020-2021 - no discussion;
  • C8 Professional Learning Catalog (master In-Service Plan) - no discussion;
  • C9 Approval to Advertise Revision of Inservice Education CCDS Board Policy 4.46C - no discussion;
  • C10 Resident Clinical Faculty Memorandum of Understanding between Clay County District Schools and the University of North Florida -  no discussion;
  • C11 Skillbridge Participation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and Naval Medical Readiness & Training Command -  no discussion;
  • C12 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2020-2021 - additional changes are projected to accommodate parents' student placement requests for the second semester;
  • C13 Monthly Financial Reports for October, 2020 - routine reports;
  • C14 Deletion of Certain Items Report - routine surplus of items;
  • C15 BID to be Awarded - no discussion;
  • C16 RFP to be Awarded - discussion included information that the collective funds expended by individual schools via internal accounts for services by these vendors is approaching the bid limit of $50,000, necessitating board approval; item will be moved to discussion due to a conflict with Mrs. Gilhousen;
  • C17 Oakleaf High School Hurricane Retrofit Agreement 2020 - no discussion; 
  • C18 Substantial Completion of the District Office Building #1 West End Renovations - no discussion;
  • C19 Pre-Qualification of Contractors - no discussion;
  • C20 Peoples Gas System, a Division of Tampa Electric Company Perpetual Easement at Orange Park High School - no discussion;
  • C21 2020/2021 - 2024/2025 Educational Five Year Work Plan - discussion included concerns over projected needs in the Keystone area; Mrs. Ellis, Interim Assistant Superintendent Operations advised that some flexibility is allowed with the listed projects and that the list was compiled prior to the half-cent referendum being approved; next year's plan will include the additional revenue when projects are considered;

Discussion Agenda

  • 2021 Legislative Priorities - no discussion;
  • Human Resources Special Action - no discussion;
  • Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised the 2019-2020 through 2021-2022 Special Policies and Procedures (SP&P) Manual - no discussion;
2. Discuss and Develop a Framework for the Citizen Oversight Committee to Provide Oversight for Expenditures of the Half-Cent Discretionary Sales Surtax

Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney, shared printed information containing the resolution's language and requested the board provide guidance to enable him to craft the School Board policy that must be put in place in order to proceed with the formation of this committee.  The composition of the committee is at the board's discretion, but the policy must incorporate developed guidelines based on the resolution.  The policy should delineate the number of individuals serving on this committee, identify who will appoint the committee members, determine the length of their term, and establish the frequency of meetings.  The duties of the committee, in accordance with the resolution, are to monitor the expenditure of funds and advise the community, ensuring transparency.  The superintendent and operations department will determine what projects are completed, and the committee will oversee that funds are being spent properly and in accordance with the resolution.

Alternate counties' plans were discussed.  The consensus of the board was that board members and the superintendent will choose two members plus one alternate, preferably from their districts, to ensure fair county-wide representation.  Committee members will serve an initial term of one or two years followed by two-year terms thereafter, will meet quarterly with a quorum required, and must be Clay County citizens.  The board may explore an application process for interested parties.

Dr. Legutko, Assistant Superintendent Business Affairs, will establish and follow a reporting format to ensure clear transparency, ensuring projects are identified and aligned with the operations plan.

If necessary, a future workshop may be convened if additional instruction is needed.  A goal of approving the new policy for advertisement and holding a public hearing to approve policy as advertised at the February board meeting was discussed.


Questions from the Audience
3. Questions from the Audience
  • Smitty Huffman - desires fair representation throughout the county and wants transparency and proper representation to ensure open communication
Superintendent Comments
4. Superintendent Comments

Superintendent Broskie requested the board's permission to add an item under the discussion agenda.  As a result of a new executive order, there is a brief revision plan that districts are required to complete prior to December 15th, and this time-sensitive item will be added for the board's consideration.

School Board Comments  (None)
Adjournment  (10:37 a.m.)
Superintendent of Schools Board Chair