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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
December 10, 2020 - Regular School Board Meeting
C11 - Skillbridge Participation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and Naval Medical Readiness & Training Command

This agreement is between Clay County District Schools and Naval Medical Readiness & Training Command to allow Eric G. Christiasen an unpaid developmental internship under the Department of Defense Skillbridge Program to provide educational experience and learning opportunities that will advance his skills in a formal classroom setting. 

Gap Analysis

Without this agreement, Eric G. Christiasen cannot be placed in Clay County District Schools and would thereby prevent potential teacher candidates from choosing Clay to begin their career.

Previous Outcomes

Clay County District Schools currently has agreements with 20 Colleges/Universities, and this would be the first agreement with the Department of Defense Skillbridge Program. This is an updated agreement and partnership between Clay County District Schools and Naval Medical Readiness & Training Command.

Expected Outcomes

Providing this developmental internship will provide Eric G. Christiasen real-world educational experience and learning opportunities that will advance his skills in a formal classroom setting

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 5: Develop and support great educators, support personnel, and leaders. 

Strategy 5.1:  Recruit, screen, hire, and retain top candidates that reflect the diversity of each school, our district, and community.


That the Clay County School Board approve  the agreement between Clay County District Schools and  Naval Medical Readiness & Training Command for the Skillbridge program.

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904
Financial Impact
$0.00 (include funding source)
Review Comments
210051 US Navy Skillbridge Contract.pdf