Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
December 6, 2018 - Regular School Board Meeting
C10 - Approve Advertisement and Notice of Intent to Adopt a new proposed School Board Policy 1.14: Religious Expression in Public Schools

Per Section 1002.206, Florida Statutes, known as the "Florida Student and School Personnel Religious Liberties Act," each school district must establish a policy describing how each district will not discriminate against a student, parent, or school personnel on the basis of a religious veiwpoint or religious expression.  A model policy template was developed by FLDOE and has been adapted for use in Clay County District Schools.

Gap Analysis

New school board policy requirement

Previous Outcomes

New school board policy requirement

Expected Outcomes

A stronger, more robust Board Policy that better articulates the fair practices and supports made available to all students and staff of the school district.

Strategic Plan Goal

The Board to approve the Advertisement and Notice of Intent to Adopt proposed new Policy on the Religious Expression in Public Schools in accordance with requirements of 1002.206, Florida Statutes following the public hearing to be held in January 2019.

Michael McAuley, Assistant Superintendent, (904) 336-6513
Financial Impact
Review Comments
1.14 Religious Expression in Public Schools, Sept 2018, djd, v1.pdf
1.14 Religious Expression - NOTICE OF APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE SB Policy.docx - Google Docs.pdf