Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
February 1, 2018 - Regular School Board Meeting
C8 - Career Pathway Articulation Agreement between Santa Fe College and The School Board of Clay County

In a continuing effort to provide opportunities for secondary school students in the Agriculture Biotechnology program to transition into Santa Fe College's postsecondary programs , Santa Fe College will award college credit to eligible students who complete courses outlined in the agreement. This agreement will assist students in earning a degree at an accelerated pace. The courses in which credit can be articulated are currently offered at Oakleaf High School. 

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

The goal is to increase the numbers of students who attend post-secondary schools by offering courses which can be articulated into credits at Santa Fe College.

Strategic Plan Goal

The District will work with Santa Fe College to advise students who successfully complete courses outlined in the agreement of the post-secondary opportunities at Santa Fe Community College.    


Approve Career Pathways Articulation Agreement between Santa Fe College and The School Board of Clay County.

Terry Connor, Chief of Secondary Education;; 904-652-3066, 904-626-6291
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Santa Fe College Articulation Agreement final 01082018.pdf