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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
February 2, 2023 - School Board Regular Meeting
C1 - Minutes of School Board Special Meeting and School Board Workshop on December 20, 2022; Student Discipline Hearings and Regular Meeting on January 5, 2023

Florida Statute 1001.42(1) requires the superintendent, as secretary, to keep such minutes and records as are necessary to set forth clearly all actions and proceedings of the school board.  The minutes of each meeting shall be reviewed, corrected if necessary, and approved at the next regular meeting; provided that this action may be taken at an intervening special meeting if the board desires.

Gap Analysis
Previous Outcomes
Expected Outcomes
Strategic Plan Goal

Approve minutes as submitted.

David S. Broskie, Superintendent of Schools,; Bonnie O'Nora, Board Assistant
Financial Impact
Review Comments
2022 Dec 20 Special Mtg.pdf
2022 Dec 20 Workshop.pdf
2023 Jan 5 Student Hearings.pdf (Confidential)
2022 Jan 5 Regular Mtg.pdf