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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
February 2, 2023 - School Board Regular Meeting
C11 - Monthly Financial Reports for December, 2022

The Monthly Financial Reports, in accordance with SBE Rule 6A-1.008, are submitted for the use and consideration of the Board for the month ending December 31, 2022.


Gap Analysis

The Monthly Financial Reports show compliance to the district's amended budget as of the month end reported and meet State and School Board financial reporting requirements.


Previous Outcomes

It has been a past (normal) practice to provide Monthly Financial Reports, in accordance with SBE Rule 6A-1.008.


Expected Outcomes

The Monthly Financial Reports are provided to meet the stewardship responsibilities of the district for reporting and accountability of the district's finances.


Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 2:  Strategy 2.4:  Ensure effective and efficient use of resources for fiscal stability.


That the Clay County School Board accept for use and consideration the Superintendent's Monthly Financial Reports for December, 2022.


Dr. Susan M. Legutko, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs, (904) 336-6721,

Financial Impact
The Monthly Financial Reports reflect the year-to-date results of operations.
Review Comments
Dec 2022 Monthly Board Financial Report.pdf
Dec 2022 Monthly Board Property Report.pdf
Contracts Between $50K and $100K.pdf