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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
February 4, 2021 - Regular School Board Meeting
D3 - Public hearing to approve as advertised revisions to Inservice Education School Board Policy 4.46.C

The Inservice Education CCDS Board Policy 4.46.C states that the minimum length of time and in-service points for components in the Master In-service Plan shall be three (3) hours.

Gap Analysis

In today’s current environment, many teachers are engaging in online and digital on demand learning opportunities.  Due to the nature of online learning, most sessions that are offered are shorter than 3 hours, making it challenging for teachers to receive points for their online learning.  With the current policy, teachers must either combine shorter sessions within the same component in order to receive the minimum of 3 inservice hours, or complete 2 hours of follow up for each online session they complete. 

Previous Outcomes

Teachers were not able to receive credit for in-service opportunities that were shorter than 3 hours.

Expected Outcomes

Teachers will receive one in-service point for every hour of in-service they participate in, allowing them to receive credit for each online and digital on demand learning opportunities as the minimum will now be 1 hour.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal:   Goal 1: Develop a High Quality & Aligned Instructional System

Strategy:  1.1.3  Develop a variety of training formats to facilitate less time out of the classroom/building.


That the Clay County School Board approve the advertised Inservice Education CCDS Board Policy 4.46.C to allow the minimum length of time and in-service points for components in the Master Inservice Plan to be one (1) hour.

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904
Financial Impact
Financial Impact
$0.00 (include funding source)
Review Comments
Proposed Revisions_Board Policy 4.46(C)_In-service1.pdf
PH to approve as advertised revisions to SB Policy 4.46C.pdf