Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
District Multi-Purpose Center, Corner of Walnut Street and Gratio Place, Green Cove Springs, FL
January 24, 2023 - School Board Workshop
Date: Jan 24 2023 (9:00 a.m.)
Invocation  (Ashley Gilhousen)
Call to Order  (Present: Erin Skipper, District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David S. Broskie. Not present: Beth Clark, District 3; Michele Hanson, District 4.)
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on February 2, 2023

Recognitions and Presentations

  • Recognition of Fleming Island High, Oakleaf High, and Orange Park High Marching Bands Achievement at State Competition - no discussion;
  • Recognize Fleming Island Elementary as a Purple Star School of Distinction - no discussion;
  • Recognize Student Selected to Participate in the 2023 United States Senate Youth Program - no discussion;
  • Recognition of 2022-2023 School-Related Employee of the Year and Teacher of the Year - no discussion;
  • Clay Education Foundation Update - no discussion;
  • Career and Technical Education Presentation - no discussion;

Consent Agenda

  • C1 Minutes of School Board Special Meeting and School Board Workshop on December 20, 2022; Student Discipline Hearings and Regular Meeting on January 5, 2023 - no discussion;
  • C2 Personnel Consent Agenda - Superintendent Broskie noted revisions to job descriptions as well as the addition of new job descriptions, and he reviewed the process and timeline for the 2023/2024 appointment of personnel;
  • C3 Proclamation #23-06 to Establish February 2023 as Black History Month in Clay County Public Schools - Mr. Broskie noted some of the activities done within the schools to recognize the accomplishments of African Americans within society;
  • C4 K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel - no discussion;
  • C5 Proclamation #23-07 for Career and Technical Education Month - Mr. Broskie noted that 11,000 students are currently enrolled in one of the four pathways available to all students; Mrs. Bolla encouraged board members to accept any invitations to judge events; Mrs. Gilhousen noted a conference held last year with economic planners and inquired about the reevaluation of programs and potential additions of new programs based on the industry; Mr. Broskie noted the release of data from the state reflecting courses with industry certifications; Mrs. Gilhousen is interested in information re how many students are enrolling in and how much capacity exists to accommodate the programs, including teachers certified to instruct the programs;
  • C6 CTE Out of State and Overnight Field Trips - no discussion;
  • C7 Approval to Advertise the Adoption and Set the Public Hearing for April 6, 2023 of K-5 Math and 6-12 Social Studies Materials - Mr. Broskie noted the adoption process and necessity of choosing materials in alignment with new standards; additional discussion included what materials and manipulatives are included in the math adoption and the length adopted curriculum remains in use;
  • C8 Affiliation Agreement Between Clay County District Schools and Emerson College - no discussion;
  • C9 Proclamation #23-08 for National School Counseling Week - brief discussion to confirm the masters degree necessary for school counseling positions is  a state requirement
  • C10 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2022-2023 - no discussion;
  • C11 Monthly Financial Reports for December, 2022 - no discussion;
  • C12 Budget Amendment Report for December 31, 2022 - no discussion;
  • C13 Deletion of Certain Items Report January, 2023 - no discussion;
  • C14 BID Renewal - no discussion;
  • C15 Transportation Bus Purchase Agreement - brief discussion re the necessity of purchasing buses on a yearly cycle to ensure buses are adequately updated and operational;
  • C16 Pre-qualification of Contractors - no discussion;
  • C17 Substantial and Final Completion of Middleburg High School Roof Replacement Building 1 - no discussion;
  • C18 Neptune Park-Thunderbolt Elementary School Property Lease Agreement with Clay County Board of County Commissioners Storage Shed Building/Electrical Permit Application - brief discussion to clarify the area of land being utilized; 
  • C19 Change Order #5 for Orange Park High School Stadium Repair/Replacement - Mr. Broskie noted that the stadium and seating will be ready for graduation with some other infrastructure associated with this project pending;
  • C20 Wilkinson Elementary School Kitchen/Cafeteria Renovations (Freezer/Cooler Replacement/Ceiling) Contract Award - no discussion;
  • C21 Change Order #1 for Clay High School Restroom Renovations - no discussion;
  • C22 Ridgeview Elementary School Roof Repair/Replacement Buildings 1, 2 & 3 - Shingles and Kitchen/Cafeteria Renovations Contract Award - no discussion;
  • C23 Approval to Advertise and Notice o Public Hearing on amendments to School Board Policy 6.01 (B)1(a), Annual Architect/Engineer Selection - brief discussion to clarify the limits statutorily established are all public and part of state requirements; revising policy to align with current statutory limits will ensure there are no delays in the bidding of these projects and no disruption to "summer projects";

Discussion Agenda

  • D1 Human Resources Special Action A - no discussion;
  • D2 Human Resources Special Action B - no discussion;
  • D3 RFP Renewal - Mrs. Gilhousen noted that she will be recusing herself from voting on this item due to an ethical conflict; 
  • D4 Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised Spring Park Elementary Attendance Zones and Revisions to Attendance Zones to Surrounding Impacted Existing Schools - Mr. Broskie reviewed the process involved in establishing and revising these attendance zones;
2. Presentation and Review of Level of Services for School Capacity and Student Use of Facilities
Level of Service Standards.pdf

Lance Addison, Coordinator of District Facilities and Planning, shared the attached comprehensive visual presentation re Level of Service (LOS) Standards.  The definition, history, and purpose of concurrency were discussed.  By way of an Interlocal Agreement for Coordinated Planning, the district established an LOS of 110% for each public school in 2006.  Both the benefits and issues associated with the 10% capacity buffer were discussed.  Reducing the LOS to 100% at this time will accelerate the need to consider all options for mitigation, cause schools to reach the LOS threshold more quickly, resulting in more frequent redistricting, necessitate the building of schools at a faster rate (fiscal challenge), and increase the need for temporary space in schools that currently don't need it.  A reduction in LOS at this time would not result in the desired goal of achieving fewer portables throughout the district schools.  It is projected that reducing the LOS to 100% will cost the district more money and the monitoring and management of growth is recommended, with this option revisited at a future time. 

Mr. Broskie noted a recent court ruling related to restroom use by student gender.  Clay County's practice is for students to use the restroom associated with the student's biological gender at birth, with exceptions being brought to the school administration for making any needed accommodations.  It was noted that the district is not currently experiencing any issues re student restroom use.  Mrs. Skipper indicated Clay County is not exempt from issues occurring elsewhere and supports taking the implemented practice and proactively creating a board policy for the safety of students.  Mrs. Bolla expressed concern for the safety of students that have personal identity questions and stressed this is a very personal situation where families have been working with administrators on accommodating needs in unique situations.  Mrs. Gilhousen pointed out that, historically, there have been non-gender conforming bathrooms as well as male and female bathrooms.  Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney, stated that the law does not currently support the proposed policy and court opinions are so conflicting that the finality is uncertain.  If the board creates policy at this time, it may become moot, with the issue potentially decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.  Mr. Bickner pointed out that statutes govern this issue and there are many things that are a practice but not taken into policy.  Mrs. Gilhousen supports adding this to the Student Code of Conduct and Family Handbook and being strategic with the timing of policy as the issue progresses through the courts.  Mrs. Bolla and Mrs. Skipper also supported adding this to the Student Code of Conduct, but Mrs. Skipper wishes to also create board policy.  With two board members not present, discussion on this matter will continue at a future time.

Questions from the Audience  (None)
Superintendent Comments
3. Superintendent Comments

Arising from a question posed by a citizen at a recent strategic planning meeting, Mr. Broskie noted that the public comment portion of the regular board meetings is the opportunity for citizens to express themselves re agenda items on which the board will vote.  It is not intended to be a time to air a grievance, and discourse would not be appropriate because the information is protected in students' educational records.  Citizens with a problem or grievance are encouraged to call the district for staff to intervene and problem-solve the issue at hand.

Mr. Broskie noted that this week is Literacy Week and encouraged people to involve themselves and interact with children and literacy.

School Board Attorney Comments  (None)
School Board Comments
4. School Board Member Comments

Mrs. Bolla commented on an excellent Literacy Night, band competitions, and the Imagination Library as well as upcoming Apple Awards and the All-County Chorus.

Mrs. Gilhousen is looking forward to reading poetry at Wilkinson Elementary, the beautiful Apple Awards and an opportunity to attend a conference to hear Dr. Arnn, Hillsdale College, one of her personal education heroes.

Adjournment  (11:10 a.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair