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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
January 5, 2023 - Regular School Board Meeting
C5 - Synergy Distance Learning/Training Portal

The Synergy Distance Learning/Training Portal is an Edupoint component that gives access within Synergy to training videos that are created and updated by Edupoint staff as the Synergy system is updated. The access to training is role based which ensures that users get training specific to their individual needs.

Gap Analysis

Current Professional Development for Synergy includes OneClay Portal Backpacks (online training for teachers), face to face training, Instructional Application Facilitator help, and recorded Google Meets. The Synergy DLP adds to the existing training and fills in the gaps of Support and Administrator training to address feedback received from users and stakeholders. The Synergy DLP is asynchronous training that would be available 24/7 which would ensure Support and Administrative staff would have the same training access as Instructional staff.

Previous Outcomes

Evaluations of survey results and proportionality of tickets show a need for more access to Synergy training for non-instructional and administrative employees.

Expected Outcomes

The Synergy DLP would address current gaps in training for Administrative and Support personnel using Synergy and will lead to cleaner data within the Synergy system and less issues for staff, students, and parents. Having clearly defined processes and training on those processes will result in less frustration from staff new to using the Synergy system and make onboarding easier for new (or new to their role) employees.

Strategic Plan Goal

GOAL 5 - Develop and support great educators, support personnel, and leaders

Strategy 5.2: Provide on-going training and support for teachers, support staff, and leaders

Initiative 5.2.3: Develop and provide training on technology competencies for teachers and leaders


The recommendation is to approve Amendment 4 to the Edupoint Synergy Contract.

Ethan Caren, Director of Information & Technology Services,
Financial Impact
$6,668 prorated for the remainder of 2022-23 and $11,824 for the 2023-24 school year. Total through 2024: $18,492.
Review Comments
230077 Learning for Synergy.pdf