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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
January 9, 2025 - Regular School Board Meeting
C23 - Prequalification of Contractors

Section 1013.46 of Florida Statutes requires school boards to prequalify contractors prior to their being able to bid on construction projects for the district.  The rules for prequalification are stipulated in the State Requirements for Educational Facilities (SREF).  The attached list identifies the contractors to be approved this month.  As this is an annual requirement, the attached list may contain both new contractors and contractors seeking to renew their prequalification status.  Per Florida Statutes, only those contractors currently prequalified at the time of bidding may bid on a school board construction project.

Gap Analysis

Prequalification of Contractors is an annual requirement.

Previous Outcomes

CCDS complies with contractor prequalification as required by Florida Statutes and SREF (State Requirements for Educational Facilities).

Expected Outcomes

CCDS will remain in compliance by certifying the contractors recommended for prequalification meet the requirements of Section 1013.46 FS, the State Requirements for Educational Facilities (SREF) and School Board Policy.

Strategic Plan Goal

Ensure fiscal responsibility through the effective management of district operations in an effort to maximize available resources necessary to provide an environment that is safe, efficient, and conducive to learning.


Approve the attached contractor prequalification list.

Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, (904) 336-6853,
Lance Addison, Director for Facility Planning and Construction, (904) 336-6824,
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Table for Board Backup Contractor Prequal, 1.9.25