Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 1, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting
C14 - 2016-2017 Proposed Allocation Changes

Staff allocation documents clarify how each school, district, department and division is staffed for the 2016-2017 school year.  The School Board is required to take action on all staff allocation changes.

Gap Analysis

These allocations are required to ensure the adequate staffing of the district and the schools.

Previous Outcomes

The district and the schools are adequately staffed.

Expected Outcomes


Strategic Plan Goal

The district ensures fiscal responsibility and equitable distribution of resources.


Approve the allocations as submitted.

Dr. Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs 904-529-4877
Financial Impact
None to the district
Review Comments
Proposed Allocation Changes for 2016-2017.pdf