Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 1, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting
C4 - Advertise Changes to School Board Policy 2.02(B) "Application Screening"

Approve for advertising the recommended changes to Clay County School Board Policy 2.02(B) "Application Screening. Amendments have only been recommended for item 2.02(B)(10).

Gap Analysis

The language of Section 2.02(B)(10) currently places a ban on any employee who received satisfactory reviews but was otherwise not reappointed and prohibits said employees from remaining in the district candidate pool or applying for other employment within the school district. This language effectively punishes employees who have received satisfactory reviews and not met the threshold for termination due to discipline or other issues; this policy language applies only to employees who are released pursuant to "Conclude Employment." Adopting the proposed policy amendment will remove the one year waiting period before these employees may apply for other employment and allow them to immediately seek open positions within the school district.

Previous Outcomes

Currently the language of Section 2.02(B)(10) states "A former Clay County teacher or support employee who received a satisfactory evaluation, but was not recommended for reappointment for the following year, shall not be considered for reemployment for one year." This means that an employee is prohibited from applying for any other job or form of employment within the Clay County School District for one year despite the fact that they have otherwise received satisfactory evaluation(s).

Expected Outcomes

The proposed amended language for Section 2.02(B)(10) will remove the ban on employees who receive satisfactory evaluations but are otherwise not reappointed and will allow them to return to the district employee pool as candidates. This will not bestow any expectation of employment on employees but will instead allow them the opportunity to remain as candidates able to seek employment within the district for the upcoming year as opposed to having to wait a year before returning to the candidate pool.

Strategic Plan Goal

This policy change will help improve the climate and culture within the Clay County School District and eliminate the ban on employees who receive satisfactory reviews but are otherwise not reappointed. This policy change will allow employees the opportunity to grow and improve, for example, an employee might be better suited to work at a different school.


It is recommended that the Clay County School Board approve the recommended changes.

Dave Broskie, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources; Michael Kerekes, Esq., Coordinator of Strategic Planning and Community Partnerships
Financial Impact
The recommended policy amendment to section 2.02(B) has no financial impact to the school district. This language change will simply allow an employee to apply for another job within the district but in no way bestows any expectation of employment or other financial liability upon the district.
Review Comments
2.02(B)(10) Proposed Changes.pdf