Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
District Multi-Purpose Center, Corner Walnut St., and Gratio Pl., Green Cove Springs, FL
June 21, 2022 - School Board Workshop
Date: Jun 21 2022 (9:00 a.m.)
Invocation  (Ashley Gilhousen)
Call to Order  (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Mary Bolla (attended via telephonic conferencing), District 2; Beth Clark, District 3; Tina Bullock, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David Broskie)
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on June 30, 2022
June-30-2022-regular-school-board-meeting_agenda_packet (1).pdf

Recognitions and Presentations:

  • Recognize 2021-2022 Retirees - no discussion;
  • Cenergistic Recognition of Clay County School Board Savings - no discussion;
  • Chemours Check Presentation to Clay Education Foundation - no discussion;

Consent Agenda:

  • C1 Minutes of School Board Special Meeting and Workshop on May 24, 2022; Student Discipline Hearings and Regular Meeting on June 2, 2022 - no discussion;
  • C2 Payment of Annual Membership Dues for 2022-2023 to Florida Association of District School Superintendents - no discussion;
  • C3 Clay Education Foundation Board of Directors 2022-2023 Appointments - Mrs. Kerekes expressed gratitude to Makayla Buchanan, Executive Director of Clay Education Foundation for including this item in order to achieve compliance with statutory requirements;
  • C4 Payment of Annual Membership Dues for 2022-2023 Florida School Boards Association - no discussion;
  • C5 Personnel Consent Agenda - Superintendent Broskie highlighted new and revised job descriptions and there was brief discussion re a change of job requirements for the Exceptional Student Education job description and the impact on hiring for that position in non-Title I schools;
  • C6 Kelly Services Amendments - Substitutes - Mr. Broskie advised this revision will put CCDS in alignment with other Florida school districts and it is anticipated that further salary increases will be needed; discussion involved a brief history of prior challenges in providing substitutes and the means by which those challenges were addressed; Mrs. Kerekes would like to explore the estimated cost of increasing substitute pay to $15/hour; Mrs. Gilhousen would like to explore the cost and feasibility of bringing substitutes back in house end enlisting assistance from the schools' PFAs to build substitute capacity; Mr. Broskie advised that the prior study re this matter indicated the current plan is the most cost-effective and also mirrors how other districts retain substitutes; the benefits and challenges of in-house substitutes was discussed; Brenda Troutman, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources discussed the informational advertising re substitute teaching that is sent to all parents within the district as well as the informational meetings that have been held to assist interested parents and prior military personnel in becoming certified to teach;
  • C7 K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel - no discussion;
  • C8 2022-2023 UNF Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement - brief discussion to clarify University of North Florida campus is the venue;
  • C9 Addendum A to 2022-2023 UNF Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement - no discussion;
  • C10 2022-23 Interagency Agreement Between the School Board of Clay County, Florida and the Department of Military Affairs; State of Florida - no discussion;
  • C11 2022-23 Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement Between the School Board of Clay County and District Board of Trustees St. Johns River State College - no discussion;
  • C12 2022-23 Early College Program (formally Collegiate High School) Contract Between the School Board of Clay County and District Board of Trustees of St. Johns River State College - no discussion; 
  • C13 Approve Interlocal Agreement Between The School Board of Clay County, Florida, and South Village Community Development District Regarding Usage of District Recreational Facilities - brief discussion initiated by Mrs. Bullock on how to obtain approval for utilizing facilities that would allow KHH to have a swim team;
  • C14 CTE Out of State and Overnight Field Trips - brief discussion on the funding of travel expenses; 
  • C15 Behavior Management Consultants - brief discussion to clarify that these services are available to the entire district and services are provided based on need; 
  • C16 Alonzo Sign Language Interpreting - no discussion; 
  • C17 Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and Florida Gateway College - no discussion;
  • C18 Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and St. Johns River State College - no discussion;
  • C19 Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and Liberty University - no discussion;
  • C20 2022-2023 Clay County School Board Agreement with Flagler Health for BRAVE Program - brief discussion to clarify that this contract coordinates and facilitates, but does not directly provide, mental health services to students; services are rendered off-campus; the referral process utilized allows the support of families and identification of student needs;
  • C21 Approve the 2022-2023 District's Property/Casualty/Active Assailant Insurance renewal submitted by Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. (broker) - no discussion;
  • C22 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2022-23 - brief discussion to address what schools will be served by the additional requested mental health counselors and clarification that the positions will be assigned based on data and an assessment tool that addresses the level of support and available resources; the number of current positions was discussed as well as the number and nature of services provided by school psychologists;
  • C23 Monthly Financial Reports for May, 2022 - no discussion;
  • C24 Budget Amendment Report for May 31, 2022 - no discussion;
  • C25 Deletion of Certain Items Report - June, 2022 - no discussion;
  • C26 BID to be Awarded - no discussion;
  • C27 BID Renewal - no discussion;
  • C28 2022-2023 School Safety Interlocal Agreement among the School Board of Clay County, Florida; and Town of Orange Park and the Town of Orange Park Police Department - no discussion;
  • C29 2022-2023 School Safety Interlocal Agreement among the School Board of Clay County, Florida; City of Green Cove Springs Florida; and Green Cove Springs Police Department - brief discussion re the number of allocated guardians and where those positions are utilized;
  • C30 Pre-Qualification of Contractors - no discussion;
  • C31 Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II, and III) Plans and Specifications for Keystone Heights Elementary School New Cafeteria/Classrooms - Mrs. Bullock shared information re growth in the Keystone area and looks forward to the remaining phases of this project; 

Discussion Agenda:

  • D1 Adopt Superintendent's Memorandum in Support of Declaration of Emergency and Approve the emergency adoption and implementation of amendments to the Manual of Procedures for Media Services and The Handbook of Instructional Materials as contained in School Board Policies 4.44C and 4.45 respectively -  Mr. Broskie explained the proposed approach to approve, by way of an emergency adoption and implementation, policy to incorporate recently passed legislation, followed by formal adoption of the policy, within the 90-day time constraints; 
  • D2 Approval to Advertise and Notice of Public Hearing to Approve amendment to School Board Manual of Procedures for Media Services and The Handbook of Instructional Materials Procedures as contained in School Board Policies 4.44C and 4.45F respectively - no discussion;
  • D3 Adopt Superintendent's Memorandum in Support of Declaration of Emergency and Approve the emergency adoption and implementation of School Board Human Resources Policy 2.02 (Application and Recruitment) to add 2.02E (Unlawful Employment Practices) and the creation of School Board 4.66 (Curriculum and Instruction Required Instruction) - proposed policy ensures compliance with statute; 
  • D4 Approval to Advertise and Notice of Public Hearing to Approve amendment to School Board Human Resources Policy 2.02 (Application and Recruitment) to add 2.02E (Unlawful Employment Practices) and the creation of School Board 4.66 (Curriculum and Instruction Required Instruction) - no discussion;
  • D5 Adopt Superintendent's Memorandum in Support of Declaration of Emergency and Approve the emergency adoption and implementation of School Board Policy 1.15 (Parental Rights and Student Welfare) - Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney, advised this proposed policy also incorporates portions of policy adopted last year currently addressed in multiple other areas and ensures that policies and practices are consolidated in one place; 
  • D6 Approval to Advertise and Notice of Public Hearing to Approve the creation and implementation of School Board Policy 1.15 (Parental Rights and Student Welfare) - no discussion;
  • D7 Human Resources Special Action A - no discussion;
  • D8 Human Resources Special Action B - no discussion;
2. Informational Presentation of the 2022-2023 District's Property/Casualty/Active Assailant Insurance renewal submitted by Arthur J. Gallagher (broker)

Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs, introduced Jori L. Van der Voort, Area Senior Vice President of Gallagher, discussed the attached visual presentation of Clay County District Schools' property and casualty insurance program.  The presentation outlined the following:

  • Factors Challenging the Industry
  • Property Events and Coverage
  • General and Other Liabilities
  • Excess Workers Compensation
  • Cybersecurity Risk Trends
  • Renewal Exposures
  • Markets Approached
  • Risk Management Control Continuum
  • Property and Casualty Program
  • Premium Summary
  • Historical property program information

Board discussion included increased property values and appraisals and the reasoning associated with companies that declined to provide a price/bid.  Dr. Legutko supports the option contained on the consent agenda for the June 30th meeting, recommending CCDS not take any additional risk by lowering coverage and to pay the increase in cost to ensure adequate protection.

3. Clay Education Foundation Strategic and Staff Planning Presentation

Makayla Buchanan, Executive Director, Clay Education Foundation, shared the attached visual presentation outlining the Foundation's vision, mission, accomplishments, and goals.  

Allocations for additional staff to support and sustain the implementation and work of the Foundation's programs are needed.  Comparisons to the operational personnel and revenue of like foundations in other Florida counties were also highlighted to demonstrate typical staffing.

Superintendent Broskie appreciates the great job being done by Clay Education Foundation to increase funding, the level of support to teachers, and the new parent-connect program that will engage parents positively within the school system and provide another pathway by which people can connect. 

Mrs. Kerekes clarified the number of positions being requested, and Mrs. Bullock appreciated the Foundation reaching out and providing solutions to questions as well as the Tools4Schools location in Keystone.

Questions from the Audience  (None)
Superintendent Comments
4. Superintendent Comments

Superintendent Broskie commented on administrative and instructional leadership training that has occurred during the summer.

Administrative leadership training focused on the following points:

  • Creating an environment that encourages students to want to return in combination with enforcing current attendance policies
  • Positive student behavior supports that are clearly stated
  • Teacher supports that ensure their success with students
  • Legislative updates and the implementations of those changes
  • Reunification and shelter training relative to emergency and weather conditions

Instructional leadership focused on strength as a team with a primary focus on creating capacity to lead others and strengthen educators within the schools.

School Board Attorney Comments
School Board Comments
5. School Board Member Comments

Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney, apprised the board of a due process request filed against the district on a prior agenda action.  He believes that the necessary hearing can be held in-house with Chair Bolla serving as the hearing officer.  The matter would then be brought back to the board with recommendations.

Board members expressed the hope that staff is enjoying some relaxation as summer work continues.

Mrs. Bolla indicated she supports remaining with Kelly for substitute services and believes this is the most economical option and that the substitutes and processes have improved.  She also is concerned that we provide mental health counseling for teachers.

Adjournment  (10:40 a.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair