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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 25, 2020 Regular School Board Meeting
C9 - Approval for the Purchase of K12 Florida LLC Virtual Instruction Curriculum for elementary curriculum usage.

The K12 Florida LLC virtual instruction program (VIP) courses promotes strong academics along with a positive online school experience.  It is mastery-based, including hand-on opportunities away from the computer.  Students are expected to spend about 3-6 hours per day (depending on grade level) working on and off line to master standards and curriculum.  They will work with a Clay County District School Clay Virtual Academy (CVA) teacher, which will assess and teach lessons to ensure mastery.

Not only does K12 Florida LLC offer rigorous, visually stimulationg appropriate online curriculum, they also offer many offline materials, books, science kits, and workbooks for students to use offline as well.

PLEASE NOTE: A medium school district such as CCDS is required to have a minumum of 3 virtual instruction offerings.  We currently have a contract with FLVS, Edgenuity, and K12  FS 1002.45

Gap Analysis

CVA currently holds a contract agreement with K12 for the 2019-2020 school year.  We would like to continue services.

Previous Outcomes

Please see "Gap Analysis"

Expected Outcomes

Elementary students will be exposed to rigorous, engaging, appropriate online curriculum to meet the state standards.  They will master content with the assistance of a CVA teacher. 

Strategic Plan Goal

Strategy 1.1: Redesign instructional frameworks for all grade levels and subject areas to reflect opportunities to differentiate instruction. 

Strategy 1/1/4: Develop an online "one stop shop" that houses all curriculum materials. 

Strategy 1/1/5: Implemet test preparation items specifications to ensure students are exposed to content and assessments aligned to standards.


That the Clay County School Board approve the purchase of K12 LLC Florida virtual instruction curriculum with online resources for grades K-12 for the 2020-2021 school year. 

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, (904) 336- 8081 Amanda Stilianou, CVA Principal, (904) 336-9878
Financial Impact
Please see pages 2 of 46 of the contract agreement. Under the VIP Program Products and Services Fees: Elementary Pricing for content only (using CVA teacher) is $340.00 for single course per school year (two semesters). The comprehensive program inculdes therr components: (1) Courses Content, (2) Materials (for K-8 courses), and (3) a suite of learning tools tailored to Client's needs. Instructional text or e-books, suplies and teaching tools (collectively, Materials) for K-8 students.
Review Comments
200125K12 Fl Agreement Final.pdf