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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 25, 2020 Regular School Board Meeting
C23 - Approve Advertisement and Notice of Public Hearing on Revisions to the Clay County District Schools Internal Accounts Manual

The purpose of this item is to update specified sections within the CCDS Internal Account Manual.  Section 6.A-1.097, F.A.C. (State Board of Education Rules) designates the responsibility of Internal Funds to the School Boards and directs the Boards to adopt written policies governing the receipt and disbursement of funds.  The CCDS Internal Accounts Manual represents a comprehensive set of policies and procedural guidelines governing the receipt and disbursement of internal funds.  

Gap Analysis

The most recent update to this manual was completed in 2010.  A complete rewrite is needed due to new rules and regulations as imposed by State Statues, School Board Rules, and GASB 84.   The attached version represents a complete rewrite of this manual, and the 2010 version is now obsolete.  

Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

Approve the CCSB  Internal Accounts Manual as submitted.

Strategic Plan Goal

The district ensures fiscal responsibility and equitable distribution of resources


To obtain the School Board's approval and acceptance of the revised Internal Accounts Manual as presented

Dr. Susan M. Legutko Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs 336-6721
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Internal Accounts Manual.pdf
Approval to Advertise Notice of Public Hearing Internal Accounts Manual.pdf