Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 27, 2019 - Regular School Board Meeting
C24 - Approve advertisement of public hearing for Boundary Realignment at Discovery Oaks Elementary, Tynes Elementary, Oakleaf Junior High and Wilkinson Junior High Schools

Advertisement is required for public hearing as per F.S. 120.54, 1001.31 and 1001.32. The proposed attendance boundary realignment for Discovery Oaks Elementary, Tynes Elementary, Oakleaf Junior High and Wilkinson Junior High, is necessary to more effectively utilize existing facilities, services and neighborhood design in anticipation of residential development now under construction in Eagle Landing.  The Oakhill Landing subdivision will consist of 162 homes and we are projecting an additional 35 students.  Since the parcel is currently undeveloped, there is no impact on existing students or communities. 

Gap Analysis

No action would result in non-advertisement of public hearing; legally eliminating the District’s ability to realign attendance boundary for residential development at Eagle Landing.

Previous Outcomes

Advertising was approved for public hearing regarding boundary alignment for Discovery Oaks Elementary and Plantation Oaks Elementary Schools in April, 2016.

Expected Outcomes

Advertisement of public hearing for boundary alignment is expected to be approved.

Strategic Plan Goal

Ensure effective management of the organization, operations, and facilities to maximize the use of resources and promote a safe, efficient and effective learning environment for Clay County students.


Approve the advertisement for public hearing to realign school attendance boundaries for Discovery Oaks Elementary, Tynes Elementary, Oakleaf Junior High and Wilkinson Junior High Schools.  The realignment will have no impact on the attendance boundaries of existing students.

Dr. Michael Kemp, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, (904) 336-6824, James Fossa, Coordinator of Planning and Intergovernmental Relations, (904) 336-6852,
Financial Impact
Review Comments
AdAttBndry OVE, TES, OLJ AND WJH 08012019.pdf
Oakland Hill attend zone.pdf