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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 27, 2024 - School Board Regular Meeting
C4 - Amendment Two to Dual Enrollment Agreement between Gaetz Aerospace Inst, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ. (ERAU) and School Board of Clay County (SBCC) 2022-2025

An amendment to the collaborative agreement between ERAU and SBCC for dual enrollment purposes that reflects an overall budget increase. The amendment allows for the continuation of a relationship between the two organizations at the following schools: Fleming Island High School, Keytone Heights Jr - Sr High School, Middleburg High School, Oakleaf High School and Orange Park High School. This agreement allows Clay County students to enroll in college courses on the campuses of each high school listed. 

Gap Analysis

This amendment must be made in order to continue offering this to Clay County students. 

Previous Outcomes

Clay County has had a positive working relationship with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and amendment to the agreement benefits the students of the District by allowing both college credits and high school credits at the same time. Additionally, this program is unique to the Clay County programs in that the aeronautical these is highlighted. 

Expected Outcomes

Clay County Aerospace students continue to take advantage of the Dual Enrollment program and earn college level credits. It is expected that the total number of students in this program will continue to grow.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 1:Engage all students to attain the necessary skills and knowledge to be future-ready graduates.       

Strategy 1.3: Graduate students who are ready to enroll, enlist, or be employed in the workforce.


That the School Board of Clay County School approve Amendment Two to Dual Enrollment Agreement between Gaetz Aerospace Inst., ERAU and SBCC Academic years 2022 - 2025

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904,
Treasure Pickett, Chief of Secondary, 904-336-6918,
Financial Impact
Approximately $40,086.00 - 100.5100730.9007.0000
Review Comments
240225 ERAU Amendment Two.pdf