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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 27, 2024 - School Board Regular Meeting
C17 - PowerSchool Contract Renewals

These Contracts will allow continued use of PowerSchool products required for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year.  These products and services include: 

  • Job posting portal and hiring/onboarding system

  • Professional development management system and evaluation system (used in state reporting for FTE survey data)  

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System, which is critical to our district’s financial management, security, and financial transparency.

This item also includes a quote to convert EPES Internal Account data into Business Plus to allow for improved oversight and security.


Gap Analysis

This contract includes annual costs for a newly added development environment utilized to support state reporting ($30,272.25) and application-managed services for additional support for end users, improved reporting, and streamlined functionality ($88,492.50).

Maintaining these contracts will ensure a continued annual renewal discount of 1.5% per year.

($9,709.34 per year savings.)

While the EPES Conversion is a one-time expense of $98,496, the conversion would eliminate the annual cost of EPES which is currently $200 per school ($8,600 annually).


Previous Outcomes

PowerSchool supplies Clay County Schools with ERP software (Business Plus), Evaluation, and

Professional Development Documentation and Record keeping (Elevate), HR Hiring and

Onboarding software (TalentEd Hire and Records and School Spring Job Board access.)

These products have been in use in Clay County since 2017, but over the years, all products

have been purchased by PowerSchool.

Expected Outcomes

Upon approval, Clay County District Schools will continue with all services provided by PowerSchool, resulting in cost savings, time savings for individuals involved with hiring, professional development, invoices and purchase orders, and improved financial transparency.

Strategic Plan Goal

GOAL 2 - Talent Recruitment, Development, and Retention

Strategy 2.4 Continue to streamline the application and onboarding process to successfully engage and hire quality applicants.

GOAL 5 - Fiscal and Operational Efficiency

Strategy 2.1 Maintain transparent reporting and marketing for the continuation of the additional one millage to remain in compliance with state law for safety and security.


Approve the proposal in its entirety.

Dr. Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs,
Financial Impact
The total cost of this contract is $647,289.87 including the addition of the new development environment and account managed services contract. Without this multi-year contract the cost would be at least $9,709.34 higher as other districts are encountering at least a 5% uplift. Last year's cost was $531,567.37. The conversion of EPES data into Business Plus is slated to cost an additional one-time price of $98,496.
Review Comments