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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 27, 2024 - School Board Regular Meeting
C26 - Perry Weather Outdoor Warning System: Weather Stations

Perry Weather System is a weather system/station that provides a mobile application for district and school based administrators, coaches, trainers, and P.E. teachers. Weather situations can be monitored in real time allowing staff to make informed decisions on current weather conditions in order to keep students, staff, and visitors safe. 

Implementing an onsite weather station system offers numerous advantages by enhancing safety and operation efficiency.  Real time weather data allows administrators to make informed decisions about outdoor activities, including dismissal, class changes, and after school activities including sporting and club events.  Responsiveness to weather conditions not only safeguards students and staff from potential hazards such as lightning, extreme heat, or severe storms but also minimizes disruptions to the school schedule.  Having reliable weather data can significantly reduce liability concerns, providing documented evidence of prudent actions taken in response to adverse weather. 

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

Improve the safety of staff and students, the station shows risk levels for the day based on what matters most for school district activities and operations. It also informs staff when to expect weather disruptions so they can plan.

Strategic Plan Goal

Ensure fiscal responsibility through the effective management of district operations in an effort to maximize available resources necessary to provide an environment that is safe, efficient, and conducive to learning.


Approve the Perry Weather Contract Agreement.

Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent Operations, (904) 336-6853,,
Stephen Mills, Supervisor of Safety & Security, (904) 336-6846,
Financial Impact
Seven-year contract beginning 07/01/2024.
First year total $41,400, years 2-7 total $36,600/year. Total contract cost $261,000 over 7 years.
Review Comments
Perry Weather Backup #1.pdf
Perry Weather Backup #2.pdf