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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 30, 2022 - Regular School Board Meeting
C13 - Approve Interlocal Agreement Between The School Board of Clay County, Florida, and South Village Community Development District Regarding Usage of District Recreational Facilities

The School Board, for the past several years, has entered into an Interlocal Agreement with South Village Community Development, the purpose of which is to allow the Middleburg High School swim team to use the competition swimming pool facilities at the South Village Community Development for practices and swim meets.  The contract is essentially unchanged from its format drafted in 2021 with the exception of the deletion of restrictions necessitated by the COVID pandemic.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

Approval of this item will allow Middleburg High School swim team to use the South Village Community Aquatic Facility competition swimming pool facility for practices and for swim meets.

Strategic Plan Goal



Approve Interlocal Agreement as submitted.

Martin Aftuck, Principal Middleburg High School; J. Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Middleburg High School Swim Team Pool Use Agreement (2022) - South Village.pdf