Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 6, 2019 - Regular School Board Meeting
C7 - Revised - 2019-20 Florida Youth Challenge Academy Calendar

Revised because we had to change a work day.  Calendar for School Board employees who work at FLYCA.  In addition, the calendar covers all planning days, holidays for the employees and students, graduation date, etc.

Gap Analysis

It is required to have Florida National Guard approval of the calendar for the next school year.  In addition, the calendar has to be approved by the School Board so that payroll and Human Resources can verify items surrounding the teachers contract.

Previous Outcomes

The calendar met the level of approval by the teachers contract and Human Resources.  Correct dates were supplied by the calendar pertaining to planning days, holidays, etc.  Teachers and students reported to work and school for the correct number of days.

Expected Outcomes

It is expected that the calendar will outline the appropriate dates and days that teachers and students will need to report to the facility. In addition, Human Resources has approved the proposed calendar.

Strategic Plan Goal

By following this calendar, the teachers and students will follow the contract and state legislation on number of required days to be in attendance.


Approve the 2019-20 FLYCA Calendar

Terry Connor, Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction;; 904-652-3066; Michael Wingate, Director of K-12 Academic Services;; 904-336-6918
Financial Impact
No cost to District
Review Comments
June 2019 - Revised FYCA Calendar 2019-20.pdf