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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 6, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C25 - School Board of Clay County/Contract No. 2024/2025 - ________. Interlocal Agreement between the School Board of Clay County, Florida and the Clay County Sheriff’s Office for the School Resource Officer Program.

Interlocal Agreement to provide School Resource Officer (SRO) services to the public schools within Clay County in order to meet the requirements of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act, Ch. 2018-3.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes

CCDS has successfully partnered with CCSO in the past to provide School Resource Officers at CCDS.

Expected Outcomes

CCDS will remain in compliance with school safety requirements per Florida Administrative Code 6A- 1.0018. The presence of the SROs on campuses will strengthen relationships between the local police department and students and families within the community, fostering community connectedness, and improved campus security.  The presence of SROs on campus helps build trust and rapport with students, creating a safer and more supportive atmosphere.  

Strategic Plan Goal

Ensure fiscal responsibility through the effective management of district operations in an effort to maximize available resources necessary to provide an environment that is safe, efficient, and conducive to learning.


Approve the Agreement between the School Board of Clay County, Florida and Clay County Sheriff’s Office.

Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, 904-336-6853,
Financial Impact
As defined in Clay County Agreement/Contract No. 2024/2025 - ________ Interlocal Agreement between the School Board of Clay County (SBCC), Florida and the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) for Funding of School Resource Officers (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2027).
Review Comments
SRO Interlocal Agreement FINAL UNSIGNED 6.3.24.pdf