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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 6, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C11 - 2024-25 Professional Learning Catalog

The Florida legislature recognizes the importance of planning for developing human potential and requires each district to develop a comprehensive Professional Learning Catalog, which was formerly known as the Master In-service Plan. Each district is required to annually update, revise, and submit a Professional Learning Catalog and this year, a template has been provided by the state, and incorporated in Rule 6A-5.071, F.A.C. (January 2024).  Each unique type of professional learning experience is considered a component, also known as a course, and this catalog lists the objectives, activities, and evaluation criteria for each component.  The updates to the Professional Learning Catalog are developed in collaboration with stakeholders, and based on data in response to student and educator needs in alignment with the CCDS Professional Learning System.

Gap Analysis

During this annual review, the Professional Learning Catalog, the content of each component was reviewed by the appropriate department and updates were made to reflect the new template, current terminology and the most up-to-date professional learning requirements and expectations.

Previous Outcomes

The CCDS Professional Learning Catalog was last revised and approved in May 2023.

Expected Outcomes

The CCDS 2024-2025 Professional Learning Catalog will include the most up-to-date information and include the professional learning components available for the 2024-2025 school year as determined by stakeholders through a needs analysis process and data informed decision making.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal:   Goal 2: Talent Recruitment, Development, and Retention

Strategy:  2- Develop highly effective leaders, faculty, and staff who foster a safe and inclusive learning environment and build upon student strengths.


That the Clay County School Board approve the CCDS 2024-2025 Professional Learning Catalog.

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904
Financial Impact
Review Comments
CCDS_Professional Learning Catalog_2024.pdf