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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 6, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C6 - 2024 Secondary Summer Programs Calendars Revised

Revision of the ESOL Summer Language Program for rising 10th - 12th graders, newcomers and ELL's eligible for Alt Grad Pathway will be changing from the brick and mortar model to a virtual platform. The change is necessary for the following reasons:

1. The desire to increase student registrations (currently only 1 student is registered for the brick and mortar option).

2. Hiring options - Not enough qualified applicants applied for the position.

3. Transportation - No transportation required, therefor a decrease in the cost.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes

Prior years' Proposed Summer Program calendars were Board approved and posted on the district website. 

Expected Outcomes

All student calendars require School Board approval to establish school schedules for students and employees. 

Strategic Plan Goal




That the Clay County School Board will approve the recommended Revised Secondary Summer Programs Calendar 2024 for students and employees. 

Treasure Pickett, Chief of Secondary Ed, 904-336-6918
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Summer School 2024 calendar ESOL revision.pdf