Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 7, 2018 - Regular School Board Meeting
C8 - YMCA License Agreement For Use of School Property

The agreement allows the YMCA of Florida's First Coast, Inc., to implement an after-school enrichment program at all of the Clay County elementary schools (grades K-6).  The program will utilize the facilities of the elementary schools.  The agreement will be in place for a three-year period.  The YMCA will hire and maintain the staff at each site.  In addition, data will be shared with District and YMCA leadership comparing the attendance, number of discipline referrals, out-of-school suspensions, Achieve 300 Lexile growth, and current math and reading proficiency.  This comparison will be between those students who attend the program and non-attendees.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes

The YMCA has had a program in place for numerous years at the elementary schools.  While no data has been collected in previous years (pertaining to the categories mentioned above), there will be procedures in place to collect this data.

Expected Outcomes

The YMCA and the Clay school district has always had a positive relationship and there is no reason for this upcoming year to be any different.  It is expected that the rate of attendance for each school will remain the same as previous years or a slight growth rate.

Strategic Plan Goal

The goal has always been to provide a quality service to the people of Clay county.  The service provided is supervision and educational opportunities in an after-school setting.  The safe, nurturing environment allows for students to socialize with other students and to work on certain educational skills.


Approve the agreement between YMCA of Florida's First Coast, Inc., and the School Board of Clay County.

Dr. Terri Stahlman, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction;; 904-336-6904 Michael Wingate, Director of K-12 Academic Services;; 904-336-6918
Financial Impact
Review Comments
June 2018 - YMCA License Agreement.pdf