Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
March 2, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting
C30 - Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II and III) Plans and Specifications for Keystone Heights Elementary School Parent Pickup Redesign

This item is for plans and specifications for Keystone Heights Elementary School Parent Pickup Redesign project.

Gap Analysis:

Due to lack of adequate defined parking areas and parent pick-up traffic patterns for Keystone Heights Elementary School, it has become increasingly more congested at student release time, resulting in safety issues for our students.   This project will assist in correcting the identified issues.  

Previous Outcomes:

Inadequate parking and traffic lanes for the increasing number of parents choosing to pick up their children at Keystone Heights Elementary has resulted in individuals parking along the city right-of-way, curbside, on sidewalks, and in open fields.  This has created excessive congestion on the roads leading to the school which has presented a very real safety issue for children walking home from school.

Expected Outcomes:

The construction of this parking lot and parent pickup area at the northwestern portion of the campus will provide additional parking and a controlled process for parents to pick up children at an area away from the primary pickup area in front of the administration building.  This will help alleviate the extreme daily congestion presently experienced at the school’s only parent pickup area.  An additional benefit will be to provide a parking area for junior high athletic events currently held at Keystone Heights Elementary gym.

Strategic Plan Goal:

Ensure effective management of the organization, operations and facilities to maximize the use of resources; and promote a safe, efficient and effective learning environment for Clay County students.


School Board approve the Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II and III) Plans and Specifications for Keystone Heights Elementary School Parent Pickup Redesign.

Dr. Michael Kemp, Assistant Superintendent, Operations
Financial Impact
Engineer estimates construction cost of $390,194.00 from LCIF (Local Capital Improvement Fund).
Review Comments

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