Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
March 2, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting
C9 - Advertise for Career Technology Education (CTE)

The Instructional Resources Department is seeking the permission to advertise to the public in the Clay Today that the following Career Technology Education (CTE) courses are up for adoption:

1. Culinary Arts: Level 1 - Pearson

2. Commercial Photography Technology Level 1 &2 - DK

3. Exploration of Aerospace Technology Level 2 

4. Criminal Justice Operations Level 1 - Cengage Learning

5. Early Childhood Education Level 1 - Goodheart - Wilcox

6. Early Childhood Education Level 2 - Goodheart - Wilcox

7. Introduction to Technology (Project Lead the Way): Principles of Engineering Level 2 - Cengage Learning

8. Commercial Photography Technology Level 3 - DK

9. Fashion Technology and Design Services: Design Services Core - Goodheart - Wilcox

10. Culinary Arts: Level 4 - Pearson

11. Introduction to Technology (Project Lead the Way): Civil Engineering and Architecture Level 4 - Cengage

A public hearing will be held at the board meeting on April 6, 2017.

Gap Analysis: The adoption cycle for CTE began in 2015-2016; therefore we must have all books adopted by 2016-2017 to meet the two year requirement set by Florida Statutes. These final books will complete the CTE adoption.  

Previous Outcomes:

 CTE was up for adoption in 2015-2016. Statute requires a district to adopt within two years and three years to fully purchase. This is the final purchase for CTE. State Statute 1006.283 requires a public hearing be posted in a publication 30 days prior to the event in order for the public to be made fully aware of the District's intentions.

Expected Outcomes: 

The public is made aware of the hearing in order to have a voice in the final selections for the CTE program.

Strategic Plan Goal: 

Engage community members and teachers to establish their voices as advocates for Clay County students. 



Instructional Resources is asking the Clay County School Board to approve the publishing of an advertisement in the Clay Today, informing the public of a hearing on the newly vetted curriculum for Career Technology Education (CTE) courses.

In accordance with the Florida State Statute 1006.283, the CCSB is required to give prior notice of newly selected curriculum.


Dr. Terri Stahlman, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Sandi Rocquin, Supervisor of Instructional Resources
Financial Impact
Review Comments

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