District Multi-Purpose Center, Corner of Green St. and Gratio Pl., Green Cove Springs, FL | |||
March 29, 2022 - School Board Workshop | |||
Date: Mar 29 2022
(9:00 a.m.)
Invocation (Ashley Gilhousen) | |||
Call to Order (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2; Beth Clark, District 3; Tina Bullock, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David Broskie) | |||
Workshop Items | |||
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on April 7, 2022 | |||
April-7-2022-regular-school-board-meeting_agenda_packet.pdf | |||
Minutes: Recognitions and Presentations:
Consent Agenda:
Discussion Agenda:
2. Clay County School Board Plan for Recruitment, Retention, and Support of Instructional Personnel | |||
Board Presentation_Recruitment & Teacher Support_2022.pdf | |||
Minutes: Superintendent Broskie shared the attached visual presentation, outlining a three-pronged approach to teacher recruitment and support. Although this plan is designed to ensure that needed critical instructional positions are filled, the principles apply to the entirety of the CCDS workforce.
Board comments included:
3. Discussion of Continuation of One Mill of Ad Valorem Millage Tax for School Security and Operating Expenses | |||
One Mill Continuation Presentation.pdf | |||
Minutes: Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs, shared the attached visual presentation providing information to assist the Board with evaluating a potential agenda item to approve and adopt a resolution requesting the Board of County Commissioners to place a referendum on the ballot for the continuation of the one mill of ad valorem millage tax for the voters' consideration. Dr. Legutko discussed the history of the current one mill, historical and current utilization of those funds, safety and security school projects completed with this funding, the financial impact of the one mill on Clay County homeowners, the impact on Clay County District Schools if this funding is discontinued, and a suggested timeline to pursue continuation of the one mill. Dr. Legutko requested the Board allow the community the opportunity to decide if they wish to continue this support originally approved in 2018. Mrs. Gilhousen asked if this item would be appropriately placed for voting on the primary election ballot. Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney, advised it can be placed on the primary ballot because new legislation that would limit this item to a general election will not be effective until 10/1/2022, subsequent to the primary. Mrs. Kerekes requested clarification of the role of the Board of County Commissioners re whether they must "approve" or if they serve as a "passthrough" for the resolution. Mr. Bickner advised language re the county commission states we are to "direct" not "ask." Mrs. Bolla advised that the resolution previously passed in 2018 used the language "place" re the request to the BCC to include the resolution on the ballot. Mrs. Bolla requested and received clarification from Dr. Legutko that the safety and security funding given by the state for students is insufficient to provide for all needed safety measures. The restrictions placed on categorical dollars were discussed as well as the inability to determine future dollars as the budget is presently not signed at the state level and it can not be determined what will occur in future years. Mrs. Bolla asked for the placement of this item on the April agenda for discussion and to move forward with giving the voters the opportunity to consider the continuation of this financial support. Ballot language reflecting the continuation, not a new tax, of the previously approved mill funds, was discussed. Mr. Bickner advised he will need to determine how to fit the required number of characters into the ballot language. Additionally, the funds will need to be shared with charter schools on a pro-rated basis and the referendum must contain an explanation of the distribution and methodology consistent with the requirements of the Florida Statute. He will also need to collaborate with the attorney for the BCC on the ballot language. Mrs. Clark believes the item may be better placed on the general election ballot to include more voters, and that may be discussed more fully at the board meeting. Mr. Bickner advised that House Bill 921, currently passed by both Houses but not yet signed by the governor, may require some education re how to approach promoting with education, and it may be advantageous to speak with the charter schools, due to their involvement. Mrs. Kerekes requested the percentage of funding that would be provided to the charter schools, and Dr. Legutko advised it would be approximately 4%, based on rough calculations. |
Questions from the Audience (None) | |||
Superintendent Comments (None) | |||
School Board Comments | |||
4. School Board Member Comments | |||
Minutes: Mrs. Bullock extended appreciation to Laura Fogarty, Director of Climate and Culture, for her participation in and representation of Clay County District Schools at the recent Hammer and Hope event held in Keystone. Mrs. Kerekes appreciated Sheila Gann, Coordinator of Benefits, for the excellent work she has done for many years as she will soon be retiring. |
Adjournment (10:34 a.m.) | |||