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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
March 3, 2022 - Regular School Board Meeting
C9 - National Center on Education and the Economy’s National Institute for School Leadership (NISL) Program Agreement

This agreement is between Clay County District Schools and National Center on Education and the Economy to provide professional learning for distinguished school and district leaders through the National Institute for School Leadership (NISL) Program.  

NISL is the most widely used school leadership curriculum in the country, allowing districts to empower leaders to drive strategic, systemic improvements in their schools. District and School leaders gain the skills, tools and knowledge necessary to become true instructional leaders and apply them through action learning, change management, and distributed leadership.

NISL will equip school leaders with the skills, knowledge and tools to create strategies for raising school performance, driving effective teaching and supporting student learning through structures and incentives, aligning instructional systems, and implementing high performance management structures that drive growth.


Gap Analysis

School and district leaders are in need of high quality learning opportunities to help them continue to grow in their instructional leadership. This is important because school leaders play a significant role in fostering high levels of student achievement, and strengthening the leadership foundation can have long lasting effects on student achievement.  After going through this nationally recognized program, district and school leaders will be better equipped to engage in strategic leadership to increase student performance and drive growth throughout the district.

Previous Outcomes

Clay County District Schools has provided a previous opportunity for school leaders to go through the NISL professional learning program. Two of these leaders are current principals and have reported a significant learning gain as a result of their experience in this program.

Expected Outcomes

District and school leaders who go through this program will have a deep understanding of how to drive strategic, systemic improvements in schools and throughout the district.  They will be able to implement action steps consistent with strong instructional leadership and develop a distributed leadership approach to fostering growth for teachers and students through collaborative learning cultures.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 5: Develop and support great educators, support personnel, and leaders.  


Strategy 5.2: Provide ongoing training and support for teachers, support staff, and leaders.



That the Clay County School Board approve the agreement between Clay County District Schools and the National Center on Education and the Economy’s National Institute for School Leadership (NISL) Program.

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904
Financial Impact
$262,500.00 (ESSER III Funds 445.6400310.9009.0000.4910.803.2)
Review Comments
220096 National Center on Education & Economy.pdf