School Board of Clay County
District Multi-Purpose Center, Corner Walnut Street & Gratio Place, Green Cove Springs, FL |
May 23, 2023 - School Board Workshop
Date: May 23 2023
(9:00 a.m.)
(Mary Bolla)
Call to Order
(Present: Erin Skipper, District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2; Beth Clark, District 3, Michele Hanson, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David S. Broskie)
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on June 1, 2023
June-1-2023-regular-school-board-meeting_agenda_packet (2).pdf
Minutes: Recognitions:
- Recognize Students with Perfect Attendance, K-6, K-8, and K-12 - no discussion;
- Recognize Recipients of Superintendent's Florida Pre-Paid Scholarship - no discussion;
- 2023-2024 Drug Free Schools Calendar Winners - no discussion;
- Recognize Winners of the 2023 Math Field Day - no discussion;
- Recognition of FHSAA State Championship Boys Weightlifting Winners - no discussion;
- Recognize Social Studies Teachers of the Year - no discussion;
- Ceremonial Signing of the Ratified Fraternal Order of Police, Florida State Lodge Contract - no discussion;
Consent Agenda:
- C1 Minutes of School Board Workshop and School Board Special Meeting on March 25, 2023; Student Discipline Hearings and Regular Meeting on May 4, 2023 - no discussion;
- C2 Personnel Consent Agenda - no discussion;
- C3 Daily Hours for Teachers and Students for School Year 2023-24 - no discussion;
- C4 K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel - no discussion;
- C5 Approval to Advertise and Notice of Public Hearing to Approve Modifications to the 2022-2023 Student Progression Plan - Mrs. Hanson expressed concerns re truancy, mastery of standards, retention, and the number of students who are not reading on grade level, as well as specific concerns with the elementary portion of the plan including lack of guidelines for homework and grades; accountability is critical to the success of the plan; would like to examine how to improve if the plan is worked at the local level in the schools with support from the school board and district offices; would like to get the community on board with training at the parent level; Mr. Broskie noted the improvement seen in attendance over the past year, advised there is a task force working on the grading policy, and agreed that reading is key to student improvement; advertising the policy now will allow the public hearing and adoption necessary to incorporate required legislative changes in time for the next school year and the board may propose revisions at any time in future;
- C6 2023-24 Interagency Agreement Between the School Board of Clay County, Florida and the Department of Military Affairs; State of Florida - no discussion;
- C7 Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and Central State University (CSU) - no discussion;
- C8 Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and Florida Gateway College (FGC) - no discussion;
- C9 Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and Oklahoma State University (OSU) - no discussion;
- C10 Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and University of Phoenix (UoP) - no discussion;
- C11 Ratify 230122 Lutheran Services Florida Standard Agreement with the School Board of Clay County, FL-SEDNET - no discussion;
- C12 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2022-2023 - discussion included the duties of the proposed allocation, "coordinator of assessment", how these tasks have been handled historically, the necessity of having testing coordinators at each school, and the process of having allocations approved;
- C13 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2023-2024 - no discussion;
- C14 Monthly Financial Reports for April. 2023 - no discussion;
- C15 Budget Amendment Report for April 30, 2023 - no discussion;
- C16 Deletion of Certain Items Report May, 2023 - no discussion;
- C17 BID Renewal - no discussion;
- C18 BID Award - no discussion;
- C19 Appointments for the Citizens Oversight Committee - a typographical error on the item attachment was noted and will be corrected;
- C20 Resolution to Dispose of Relocatable Buildings at Keystone Heights Elementary School - no discussion;
- C21 Purchase Agreement for Four (4) Relocatable Buildings at Keystone Heights Elementary School - no discussion;
- C22 Purchase Agreement for Four (4) Sets of Ramps and Stairs at Keystone Heights Elementary School - no discussion;
- C23 Change Order #3 for Clay High School Restroom Renovations - Mrs. Hanson questioned whether extra costs are anticipated for projects such as these and Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, confirmed allowances for extra costs due to finding unforeseen items as well as having to bring things up to code and calculate market swings;
- C24 Change Order #1 for Middleburg High School Cafeteria Expansion - no discussion;
- C25 Change Order #6 for Orange Park High School Stadium Repair/Replacement - no discussion;
- C26 Prequalification of Contractors - no discussion;
- C27 Ridgeview High School Roof Repair/replacement Building 2 Contract Award - no discussion;
- C28 Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Wilkinson Elementary School Kitchen/Cafeteria Renovations (Freezer/Cooler Replacement Ceiling) - brief discussion of the Citizens Advisory Committee's duties and projects identified on the Educational Facilities Plan, to include EDFirst projects and expenditures;
- C29 Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Ridgeview Elementary School Roof Repair/replacement Buildings 1, 2, & 3 - Shingles and Kitchen/Cafeteria Renovations - no discussion;
- C30 Change Order #5 for Middleburg Transportation Facility Fuel system Repair/Replacement - no discussion;
- C31 Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II, and III) Plans and Specifications for Fleming Island High School Replace Batting Practice Building (Erosion) - no discussion;
Discussion Agenda:
- D1 Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised Proposed School Board Policy 1.16, "Designation of User Gender for Bathrooms/Restrooms, Locker Rooms and Dressing Rooms" - brief discussion on signage replacement on bathrooms to ensure rules are followed;
- D2 Human Resources Special Action A -
- D3 Human Resources Special Action B -
- D4 Human Resources Special Action C -
- D5 Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised Revisions to Use of Facilities & Grounds Manual - no discussion
2. Discussion of Policy For Student Surveys (Mrs. Skipper)
Minutes: School Board Attorney, Bruce Bickner, introduced a proposed policy he drafted at the request of Mrs. Skipper.
Mrs. Skipper advised she felt that the original policy she had given to Mr. Bickner was more direct and that she had wanted an opt-in policy rather than an opt-out policy. Her concern is that surveys can result in students' information being sold to a third party, and stated that is the reasoning behind a bill that was just passed re the collection of data on children. She believes parental notification of surveys should be given and the survey sent home to provide parents with the opportunity to know about all surveys.
Mrs. Hanson stated that the original policy provided by Mrs. Skipper is more procedural and the one drafted by Mr. Bickner leaves open questions. She is concerned with the ability to hold accountability to a policy that lacks procedures. She suggested a letter or form could be sent home at the beginning of the year, by grade level, that discusses the surveys and programs and allows parents to indicate the ones in which they choose to have their children participate. She does not support an opt-in policy because of the potential for a busy parent to sign permission without fully realizing what they are signing. She supports communicating to parents in a more effective way. Mr. Broskie advised that the communication of the surveys and information can certainly be examined to enable it to be more clearly provided to parents.
Mr. Bickner advised the policy is a framework and procedures are how the policy would be implemented. The implementation of the policy would rest with the superintendent. Mrs. Hanson advised it is necessary to implement details in the policy to ensure procedures are there. Mrs. Skipper also recommends specificity in policy language.
Mrs. Gilhousen noted the importance of policy language so expectations are clear, but that care must be taken about the degree of specificity in policy so that the policy can withstand changes of time and flexibility, recommending procedures are not incorporated into policy.
Board members will further examine the proposed policy and discuss it at the next board meeting.
3. Discussion of School Board Meetings (Mrs. Hanson)
Minutes: Mrs. Hanson proposed some changes for the board's consideration regarding board meetings as follows:
- hold "informal" meetings to include town halls, community input meetings, and meetings during which board members may discuss issues not on the formal agenda in order to have sufficient time for healthy discourse among board members
- preserve time at workshops by the board members reviewing the agenda items and asking only necessary questions, either to the superintendent or to the item submitters, preserving discussion time for difficult issues
- hold student awards and recognitions on a different day from the regular monthly meeting to enable discussion earlier and lengthier discussions to take place
- adjust the order of the meeting agenda so that public speakers are heard and the board can discuss/address what the speakers said earlier in the evening, more closely to the time of the public comments
- consider holding student discipline hearings on an alternate day from the regular monthly meeting, possibly on the same day as student awards and recognitions
Mrs. Bolla indicated the agenda reviews done at workshops include all personnel that contribute to the agenda and that the superintendent's review of each agenda item gives the board an opportunity to discuss it in open public forum and allows public transparency as to the operations of the district. The public has the opportunity to see and hear the workshop review and constituents can call with concerns. She believes the student celebrations and recognitions are extremely important and does not support them being moved to an alternate evening. Student discipline hearings have been lengthy, at times, but one can prepare ahead of time for this important work.
Mrs. Clark is accustomed to long hours but would appreciate more time to review the agenda to fully digest all of the information. Student hearings times can be revisited in the future if they continue to be lengthy. She does regret that board member comments are not always heard by the public speakers.
Mrs. Skipper feels that public comments should be addressed as the public make up the constituency. She would like to change the public's perception and current culture that the board speaks very little and have more discussion and communication.
Mrs. Gilhousen indicated that the workshop is also a time for the board members to engage in any desired discussion. She does like the student awards and recognitions but suggested considering how many are being placed on the agenda each month. She is neutral re the suggestion to move student hearings to an alternate night.
All regular, special, and workshop meetings must have an agenda and be legally advertised. The board determined to evaluate moving student discipline hearings at a future date if still needed and desired.
Questions from the Audience
Superintendent Comments
School Board Attorney Comments
School Board Comments
4. School Board Member Comments
Minutes: Mrs. Hanson noted that recent legislation has passed re student cell phone usage and questioned the need to update the Code of Student Conduct to reflect the new law. Mr. Broskie will read the language to determine if the statute requires us to change our current policy. Mrs. Skipper noted a different county that was experiencing issues related to cell phone usage and had success in restricting the usage with clear expectations communicated to the parents and community.
Mrs. Bolla shared information re a fundraiser at Texas Roadhouse to support the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in an effort to expand the current program.
A workshop on safety and security may be scheduled in the future to update the board members on that procedure and allow discussion during what will likely be a closed meeting.
(11:23 a.m.)
Superintendent of Schools |
School Board Chair |