Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
May 3, 2018 - Regular School Board Meeting
C6 - Curriculum Associates: i-Ready

The Curriculum and Instruction Division recommends the purchase of  i-Ready K-8 Math and Reading to be used as Tier II & III intervention tools. Using i-Ready for these proposed subject areas and grade levels will enable teachers, administrators, and support personnel to continue to make data-driven decisions for diagnostic prescriptive instruction for all students. This contract also provides additional professional development for year two implementation, and print materials that are aligned to the RtI process for struggling students.

The i-Ready Diagnostic tool helps differentiate student instruction by assigning students to the appropriate instructional modules based on their individual testing results. The i-Ready program is a blended learning approach that helps teachers provide students with explicit instruction and an engaging online platform that helps monitor their performance and personalizes their instruction.  This program can provide our teachers with stronger and more relevant data to inform interventions at the Tier II and Tier III levels.

Gap Analysis

The i-Ready program will continue to ensure that all students are assessed, instructed, and monitored using tools that are research-based, directly aligned to state standards and assessments, and provide prescriptive pathways for the success of every individual student.  The use of i-Ready continues to help close the achievement gap in math and reading. The number of Tier II & III intervention students, students reading or working a grade level below at least, have shown tremendous growth between the fall and winter diagnostic.

Teachers and students in grades K-8 were in need of a Tier II & III intervention to address individual needs to achieve mastery of state standards.  The i-Ready platform provides a common diagnostic, prescriptive blended learning tool to address individual needs by standard. Without this tool, teachers were having to develop their own tools to meet the diverse needs of their students without a data management system or research based productivity measure of FSA performance.  The need for this tool has become increasingly valuable and trusted after our first year of implementation.

Previous Outcomes

Our eight Title 1 schools implemented this product in the Fall of 2016, and it has provided a common tool for predicting student achievement aligned with state standards. Since the implementation of this product, all these schools now have a way to compare their students’ progress and monitor it accordingly.

After the first year of full implementation across the District, the following gains were reported:




Expected Outcomes

Every school throughout the district will continue to use the same blended learning tool to assess, instruct, and monitor teaching and learning when using i-Ready in Reading (K-3).   This tool will continue to provide a platform for leaders K-8 to leverage student data to make instructional decisions to improve student achievement.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 1:  Develop a High Quality and Aligned Instructional System

Strategy 1.1  Provide teachers and students with the tools and resources to meet the demands of the Florida
Standards and students’ individual needs.

Strategy 1.2  Provide diagnostic and prescriptive interventions for differentiated instruction in Reading and


The recommendation is for the Clay County School Board to approve the purchase of i-Ready Reading and Mathematics in an amount not to exceed $971,082.50 for iReady Reading and Mathematics software, instructional toolbox, and professional development for K-8 schools. The funding sources and quote for this purchase are as follows:

SAI: $723,711.00

Title II (PD): $102,000

Instructional Resources: $119,956.50

Dr. Terri Stahlman
Financial Impact
Review Comments
i-Ready Amendment No 2 to 2017 Agreement_Dagata_4.17.18.pdf
Final Clay County Quote141831.7 April 20, 2018_Combined.pdf