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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
November 5, 2020 - Regular School Board Meeting
C7 - Maxim Health Care Services, Inc. Contract 2020-21

The School Board of Clay County must provide nursing supports to meet student needs.  Maxim Health Care Services, Inc. allows the district to meet obligations under the individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), to students with significant nursing needs, including substitute nurses for medically complex students.  In collaboration with district and school nursing staff, Maxim supports the students, teachers, and families by providing necessary nursing care.

Gap Analysis

Maxim Health Care Services, Inc. provide nursing for students with the most significant of medical needs, including nurses assigned to individual students. These medically fragile students require ongoing nursing care that must be provided whenever a district hired nurse is absent or the position has not been filled. Contracting with Maxim Health Care Services, Inc.  ensures that the district meets the IDEA requirements of a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) for all students with disabilities. 

Previous Outcomes

The district has contracted services with Maxim Health Care Services, Inc. since 2003, providing assistance for students with very complex medical situations.  The staff at Maxim collaborates as needed with teachers, parents, agency personnel and other educators in case management, problem solving, and data collection. 

Expected Outcomes

Maxim Health Care Services, Inc. will help meet the needs of students with significant medical requirements, which in turn will improve the student’s academic, social, and emotional development.  The district will continue to contract with Maxim Health Care Services, Inc. for students who require extensive medical services in the educational environment.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 3:  Establish a respectful climate and culture that provides equity and access to all. Strategy 3.2: Develop systems and processes that focus on developing the whole child. 


That the Clay county School Board approve Maxim Health Care Services, Inc. contract for the 2020-21 school year.

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904
Financial Impact
The projected cost of implementing this contractual agreement is about $30,000.00. Funding source: 0100.5200.310.9005.0000.
Review Comments