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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
October 1, 2020 - Regular School Board Meeting
C5 - First Coast Mobile Audiology Contract 20-21

The School Board of Clay County is required to provide audiological services to eligible ESE students. The contracted services will include but are not limited to Child Find activities, audiological evaluations, fitting for hearing aids, FM systems and audiological consultations.

Gap Analysis

The Audiological Therapy Services are required for eligible ESE students based upon their Individual Education Plan (IEP).  Contracting with First Coast Mobile Audiology ensures that the district meets the IDEA requirements of a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) for all students with disabilities. 

Previous Outcomes

The district has contracted with First Coast Mobile Audiology since 2006.  Using an annual contract for service is more cost efficient than a piecemeal approach and ensures continuity of services for SWD and supporting staff.

Expected Outcomes

Successful outcomes will allow for implementation of IEP requirements for students with disabilities.  Services to include audiological evaluations, fitting for hearing aids, FM systems, and audiological consultations

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 1:  Develop Great Educators and Leaders.

Strategy 1.3:  Prepare all students to be full option graduates who are prepared for college, eligible to enlist in military services, or able to compete in the workforce. Services are required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).


That the Clay county School Board approve the First Coast Mobile Audiology contract for 2020-2021

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904
Financial Impact
The projected cost of implementing this contractual agreement is approximately $52,000.00. Funding source: 0100.5200.310.9005.0000
Review Comments
First Coast Mobile Audiology.pdf