The Curriculum and Instruction Division is seeking permission to purchase i-Ready K-8 Math for Keystone Heights Jr/Sr High School as a tool for differentiated and small group instruction as Tier II & III interventions for our students. These programs will provide valuable tools needed to assess, instruct and progress monitor every student. Using i-Ready for these proposed subject areas and grade levels will enable teachers, administrators, and support personnel to make data-driven decisions for diagnostic prescriptive instruction for all students using the product. i-Ready will provide uniform reports for parents and assist staff in providing ways families can enrich or remediate their children at home. In addition, a correlation study was conducted by a third party and the i-Ready diagnostic provided a strong correlation to the FSA (.79 or higher). The contract also provides professional development and print materials for struggling students in alignment to the RtI process.
Based on a student’s results on the i-Ready Diagnostic, the program automatically assigns him or her online instructional modules within i-Ready Instruction. This differentiated instruction is presented in highly engaging instructional modules that can be accessed through any internet-enabled computer. Delivery is flexible: during school, before/after school, in-class/pull-out, summer school, at home, computer lab, and a host of other settings. Diverse, contemporary characters set in visually appealing, modern environments capture students’ attention and immediately engage them in the learning process. Lessons use real-world experiences and authentic situations to teach essential skills. Explicit instruction makes concepts concrete and addresses the root cause of any specific areas of student need. With the transition to Florida Standards, i-Ready has developed their materials to support students and teachers, by providing professional development, explicit instruction, a gradual release approach, and engaging online resources to differentiate instruction and teach prerequisite skills that are required for mastery in foundational and fundamental skills at each grade level. i-Ready monitors progress and personalizes instruction for each student, class, grade, and school in addition to providing progress monitoring for the district to measure student achievement. Opportunities for growth surround the need for teachers to deliver lessons to students with varying needs and remedial practices to assist students in achieving standard mastery. i-Ready provides a platform for teachers to provide individual student's skill remediation in reading for grades K-3 and mathematics grades K-8 based on individual student performance on the diagnostic assessments and monthly progress monitoring tasks. Remediation occurs through skill building lessons that align to standards and provide students the opportunity eliminate any deficits. The blended learning opportunities provided through i-Ready allow students to build their foundational skills which transfers into standards mastery. i-Ready will be utilized as the blended learning platform for K-3 reading and K-8 mathematics for the 2017-18 school year. i-Ready provides teachers with stronger, more relevant data to inform interventions at the Tier II and Tier III levels.