School Board of Clay County
District Office Accounts Payable Conference Room, 814 Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs |
September 26, 2017 - School Board Workshop
Date: Sep 26 2017
(9:00 a.m.)
Call to Order
(Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis. Betsy Condon, District 3, was absent.)
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on October 5, 2017
Agenda DRAFT - October 5, 2017.pdf
- C1 Minutes of previous meetings - no discussion
- C2 Florida Safe Schools Assessment Certification - attachment forthcoming; Superintendent reviewed areas of focus and concern; per Ms. Paiva's request, Mr. Davis will look into Motorola radios purchased in the past for emergencies;
- C3 Personnel Consent Agenda - one job description will be added for Food Truck Manager - revising to the correct format;
- C4 Agreement with Parrish and Associates - professional development for teachers for mathematics;
- C5 Affiliation Agreement with Liberty Ambulance Service - will provide hands-on training for students at OPHS; Mr. Davis will look at adding this for CHS as well;
- C6 Advertise ESE Admissions & Placement Manual - state-required process for admission;
- C7 Out-of-County Student Travel - Mr. Davis explained the one field trip which is being approved late;
- C8 Intel Math PD - 113 teachers; analyze student work and instructor modeling;
- C9 Proposed Allocation Changes - no discussion (attachment forthcoming)
- C10 Warrants & Vouchers - no discussion;
- C11 - C!5 Routine Property Reports - no discussion;
- C16 Pre-Qualification of Contractors - routine monthly report; no discussion;
- C17 Substantial Completion/Front Entrance Security Enhancements - to protect assets and facilities; five schools and the district office;
- C18 Substantial Completion/DIS Fire Alarm Replacement - no discussion;
- C19 Substantial Completion/MHS Culinary Arts Renovation - code issues;
- C20 Additive Change Order/MHS Culinary Arts Renovation - code issues
- C21 AICE Testing Facility @ FIH/Architect Award - this will be a large multipurpose room;
- D1 HR Special Actions - none at this time;
- D2 Public Hearing for Instructional Resources Manual - delayed from September 26th agenda so the public hearing could be re-advertised;
Items Added:
- Assessment Calendar (Discussion Agenda) - This item was moved from the September 26th agenda to the October 5th agenda. The revised attachment accounts for days missed due to the hurricane. Concern was expressed about the amount of kindergarten testing. Board discussion followed.
- Settlement Agreement (Discussion Agenda) - Board Attorney is asking to add settlement with Robert Winter. The case is 5 years old. Discovery and case preparation would most likely exceed the settlement offer.
- Student Calendar (Consent Agenda) - Superintendent and staff have calculated and believe we meet the required minutes and no makeup days are needed due to Hurricane Irma when six school days were cancelled. However, the school calendar will need to be revised in order to meet semester requirements. The revised calendar will move four days from 2nd semester to 1st semester one. This change will not impact total days, just days within the semesters.
Closing Comments:
- Mr. Broskie needs to meet with the Board in Executive Session at end of the October 5th meeting;
- Mr. Broskie will resend the Attorney evaluation; responses are due to Mrs. Bush by October 6th;
- Teacher Evaluations: 245 moved from Highly to Effective; 106 moved up from Effective to Highly; the net change is 139;
Questions from the Audience
Superintendent Comments
School Board Comments
(10:08 a.m.)
Superintendent of Schools |
School Board Chairman |