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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
September 5, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C13 - Resident Clinical Faculty Memorandum of Understanding between Clay County District Schools and the University of North Florida

As part of a collaborative effort to simultaneously improve PreK-12 education and teacher preparation, The University of North Florida and the School Board of Clay County, Florida agree cooperatively to provide two Resident Clinical Faculty to the Professional Development Schools Network during the 2024-2025 academic year. The program provides the District with an opportunity to implement effective collaborative organizational structures and ways of teaching and learning which will enhance student learning and link professional development with Pre K-12 student learning.

At the same time, this program provides an opportunity for the University of North Florida College of Education and Human Services to enhance the internship and field experience component of its teacher preparation program by forging stronger linkages with the District and by providing opportunities for teams of university students to work with teachers who are implementing effective and innovative teaching strategies.

Based on the 9 Essentials for Professional Development Schools as outlined by the National Association for Professional Development Schools, Resident Clinical Faculty typically mentor up to 100 interns/pre-interns from the University of North Florida who are seeking certification in teaching at three PDS schools: Grove Park Elementary, Orange Park Junior High and Orange Park High Schools, with some placements at additional schools as needed.

Gap Analysis

Without the Memorandum of Understanding with the University of North Florida for the PDS model, pre-service interns/pre-interns would not receive the level of coaching, support and mentorship that accompanies the PDS model.

Previous Outcomes

Clay County District Schools and the University of North Florida have partnered in providing support to pre-service teachers for many years (the program formerly known as SPRINT).  Since 2017, the institutions have partnered to provide more intensive support for pre-service teachers through the PDS Model. 

Expected Outcomes

As a result of the PDS partnership with the University of North Florida, future teachers of Clay County students will gain more on-the-job learning and be better prepared for the rigors of the classroom. 

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 2: Talent Recruitment, Development, and Retention


Strategy 1.1: Develop strategic partnerships with organizations and universities to source new talent for a diverse workforce that is effective and highly-qualified for non-instructional, instructional, and administrative positions throughout CCDS


That the Clay County School Board approve the Resident Clinical Faculty Memorandum of Understanding between Clay County District Schools and the University of North Florida.

Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, 904.336.6904
Financial Impact
$ 68,576.66 - 50% of the total salary and benefits funded by general funds
Review Comments
240164 UNF Resident Clinical Faculty MOU.pdf