Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
September 6, 2018 - Regular Meeting - Public Hearing on the Budget
C18 - The New Teacher Project: TNTP Leadership Development

TNTP will support Clay County Public Schools with four monthly professional learning and application opportunities for prinicipals and key district leaders to identify successes and continued areas for improvement.  TNTP cam support both the design and implementation of the district and prinicipal-level learning.  The scope of work outlined below is intended to build capacity so that leaders at all levels of the district are calibrated on the bar for rigor and a common vision of excellent instruction and poised to bring to life the district's vision on each campus.  The intended outcome will span the school year from September 2018 through March 5, 2019.

Intended Outcome: To continue to build capacity of school principals to implement the vision and manage change in their buildings.  Monthly principal meetings provide an opportunity to continue to build the knowledge and skills of school leaders to recognize and support rigorous instruction aligned to the shifts and demands of the Florida Standards.  Each monthly session will include two pieces: a knowledge-building learning session where participants can continue to dive deep into the standards and shifts, and an application session designed to push leaders to think about how the learning translates to the classrooms and teachers in their buildings.  Leaders will have ample opportunity to practice and calibrate an observing instruction (through video and walk-throughs) and on student work and will practice diagnosing where the shifts are respresented and where they are missing.

Session objective will be determined in partnership with district and will be informed by data from classroom observations, but may include:

  • Practice determining alignment of math lessons to the instructional shifts of the Florida Standards
  • Use the IPG to prioritize feedback and next steps at the classroom level
  • Explain foundational instructional practice for each content area and how it connects to the shifts (e.g. task-based instruction in math); identify common instructional practices that do not directly support the shifts
  • Identify non-negotiables fo curriculum and instruction to support implementation of shifts
  • Articulate a vision for how teachers will prepare for lessons/units using aligned instructional practices and the curriculum available; identify content-specific priorities for lesson/unit planning
  • Examine high quality assessments and exemplars and understand their alignment with the standards
  • Analyze student tasks for alignment to the standards and shifts for math and articulate a clear vision for student success for a given lesson or task
  • Plan for the school-specific tools and time needed to support teacher development (e.g. observation feedback, planning meetings, PD, teacher collaboration opportunities, etc.)
  • Collaborate with colleagues to build a culture of continous learning and feedback around implementation of the Florida Standards

The monthly work with principals aims to build a deeper understanding of curriculum design and related instructional practices that will prepare leaders to ariticulate a content-specific vision of great teaching and learning.

The dates for the 4 development sessions are 

  • Tuesday, September 18
  • Tuesday, November 6
  • Tuesday, January 15
  • Tuesday, March 5

This scope will include an informal data-collection "diagnostic" early in the school year to guage the current state of alignment of instruction and student tasks to the rigor of the Florida Standards.  This walk-through will be conducted side-by-side, using the Instructional Practice Guide -- a nationally available tool for measuring standards-aligned instruction, with key leaders (including the Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Instruction, The Chief of Secondary Education, and the Director of Professional Learning, School Choice and Leadership Development) in order to begin calibration on the bar for rigor and to norm on the current state of alignment.  The data collected in this early "diagnostic" will inform the scope and sequence of leader training for the year as well.  The diagnostic will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time.

Gap Analysis

Clay County Distict Schools are in the process of redefining excellence for all students as part of the transition plan Elevate Clay.  In 2017, district leaders prioritized building the instructional leadership of principals and assistant principals through daily observations of classroom instruction.  The Clay County Leadership Institute pushed principals as instructional leaders to establish a vison and priorities for their building that align to the four principals of effective instruction adopted by the district.  In addition, leaders received an introduction to the rigor demanded by the Florida Standards and the shifts required for college and career ready instruction and learning.  Clay County leadership has identified that school leaders need continued support in the form of learning, calibration walks and opportunites to apply new knowledge and skills.  In order for leaders to manage the change process and to drive constant improvement in teaching and learning at their campuses, they must have a deep understanding of the shifts required by the standards as well as a shared instructional vision to implement in their building, and this vision must be shared and supported at all levels of the system.

Previous Outcomes

During summer 2018, the process of building a district-wide vision of high quality instruction began with the two day Leadership Institute attended by principals and assistant principals.  While the institute was powerful experience, it is not a stand-alone training experience; now to build upon the foundation from this summer, principals will receive ongoing, job-embedded professional learning and connect this learning to school based practice through learning walks in each other's schools guided by TNTP and district leadership.  The ultimate goal is to develop learning-focused principals intent on helping teachers improve their practice either directly through instructional coaching, or with the aid of school leaders like department chairs and other teaching experts.


Expected Outcomes

Through this partnership, Clay County Schools will achieve the following outcomes:

  • Continue to develop school-based administrators able to articulate a content-specific vision of teaching and learning.  
  • Feedback through surveys will indicate that participants benefited from the program and their skills in trained areas improved.
  • As a result of this leadership development, Clay County's K-6 students will achieve at least a 3% increase in the % of students scoring Level 3 and above in Mathematics.


Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 4: Developing Great Educators and Leaders: recruit, develop and retain talented teachers, school district leaders, able to lead Clay County School district's schools to become a top-tier school district in Florida. 


1. That the Clay County School Board approve acceptance of The New Teacher Project (TNTP) funded through the state District Instructional Leadership & Faculty grant in an amount not to exceed $71, 536.00 for the 2018-19 school year for providing professional learning for the principals during the monthly principal meetings.  

2. That the Clay County School Board approve the budgeting and expenditures of these funds, and authorize the Chairman and Superintendent to execute, upon form approval by the Office of Legal Services, The New Teacher Project Scope of Work.

3. Authorize Chairwoman and Superintendent to execute the contract contingent upon approval as to legal form an sufficiency by the School Board attorney. 

Kathleen "Katie" Moeller, Director of Professional Learning, ESOL, School Choice & Charter 904-336-6950
Financial Impact
Not to exceed $71, 536.00 Funding Source: grant funded from the state of Florida: Instructional Faculty Leadership Development (IFLD) Grant
Review Comments

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