Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
April 5, 2018 - Regular School Board Meeting
C11 - Safety and Education Articulation Agreement 2017-2018

This agreement concerns the Student Resource Officers (SRO's) and the compensation for their services and the duties that they will be performing at the eight high schools (7 high schools and Bannerman Learning Center).  The delivery of law enforcement services will cover the length of the student contact time.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes

The CCSO has provided these services for over 25 years.  The District uses funds from Safe Schools and reimburses the Sheriff's Office for the services.  The CCSO maintains records concerning the performance of services provided by the deputies from the Youth Resource Unit (YRU).  These services have been beneficial in the enforcement of law services, the reduction of illegal activities on school property, and an increase in the positive interaction between law enforcement and students.  Educational instruction concerning the law and illegal activities are shared with students.

Expected Outcomes

 The presence of the SRO's on Clay campuses will help reduce criminal activity and enhance the relationships between students and the police.  Their assistance to the administration staff helps make for a more secure campus environment.  In addition, when necessary these officers work with the administrative staffs of elementary and junior high schools.  There will also be a continuation of educational instruction concerning the law and illegal activities with students, as well as a reduction in the number of aggressive referrals overall.

Strategic Plan Goal

This agreement concerns the safety of students, employees and others that gather on high school campuses.  In order to continue to offer a safe environment, the partnership with the CCSO is necessary.


 To approve the agreement between the CCSO and SBCC.

Mr. Michael McAuley, Assistant Superintendent Climate and Culture (904) 336-6513
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Agreement with BCC and CCSO for SRO's.pdf